I originally posted this idea in Inventor ideas, and i know that there have been similar ideas posted in here, but I wanted to give my point of view my idea of CAD+VR setup. At the moment VR is just growing at the consumer level, and the hardware that is good enough is here. and now at least in my country there are b2b company's that offer vr solutions. also VR developers and enthusiast who fiddle with the tech. now compered to inventor update cycle to fusion 360's, its known and loved that fusion brings out updates and patches monthly I think that fusion 360 and Inventor both should have VR integration, because it opens up new ways to work and collaborate At the moment the best hardware to start implementing would be HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. why? Because roomscale and motion controllers. For example look at the program called tilt brush, and if any chance try it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91J8pLHdDB0 also August 2017 Gravity sketch came out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4dbh8x8aUY&t=295s what really got me with gravity sketch is the surface creation and modification and the overall feel how the models are made. it acts like splines where you have curvy line with control points. VR for the ability to get sense of scale of the things you are modeling. Motion controllers for modeling and interacting with parts. Roomscale for walking around your model. at the moment game engines like Unreal Engine 4 and Unity will have VR editor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKO9fEjNiio and valve had awesome collection of demos, called the lab, and one of them is Human Body Scan where you can view 3D model of skeleton and the feeling i got, is the ability to slice the scan and look inside, and this would be awesome to to with assembles, the function to do that in fusion is there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PVAcLlYUpg So my conclusion is that fusion 360 would be a good platform for bringing 3D CAD into VR, creating and modifying models in VR, creating Assemblies like putting together Lego's. Doing collaboration in Virtual Environment when designers and engineers do not actually have to be in the same place is fascinatingly awesome. And what i have seen, is that VR is here to stay, and will become part of the way create, learn and do thing's.
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When using tools where multiple selections are required it would more efficient to change inputs with the tab key instead of clicking on the next input box.
For instance the Mirror tool requires Objects to be mirrored and a Mirror Line. the Objects input is selected by default, but to switch to the Mirror Line input you must select it with the mouse. Using the tab key would speed up the process.
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Why don't we have a DXF Export Option? Most CNC Water Jets, CNC Mills, CNC Plasma, Laser Cutters use DXF format with an Option for using older versions of DXF, Autocad R10 and above.
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Allow a quick parameter feature. You might have to read some of this twice. When I enter a dimension even its for the first time let me be able to write : Dimension=parameterName And "parameterName" is added to the parameter list. So if the dimension was width/2, 5/2, or 2.5 and we wanted the parameter to be named midwidth. We could enter in while doing the dimension itself width/2=midwidth, 5/2=midwidth, or 2.5=midwidth and it would automatically add midwidth to the parameter list upon creating the dimension, so you can do the dimension while creating the sketch/object and create the parameter at the same exact time using the = sign. Skipping the step of doing parameters and then doing the object or going back and fourth its very very tedious. This would combine two steps into one making it very quick and user friendly.
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The idea is to integrate sketchbook drawing in F360 with two modes, "3D Canvas" and "Blueprint Box". 3D Canvas: Create the raw form of your design then convert the solid/surfaces in a 3D canvas to draw details and variants quickly on the surface or project lines on it: The raw form: The 3D Canvas with some sketch lines: Blueprint Box: Create a box with editable dimensions, then choose a face and sketch the monge projection. Do the same with the other faces. Back in model mode, each face should appear in the corresponding orthogonal view with its opacity control. Editing a face (The other faces for reference): The box preview with the sketches:
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I would like to be able to see and edit dimensions associated with a feature without entering the sketch or feature. Explanation: Right now in Fusion 360, I have to remember which feature or sketch a dimension is a part of (since they are treated separately), then either double click the feature/sketch in the timeline, or right click and choose edit. The timeline rolls back temporarily, so you only see what the model looked like when the feature/sketch was created. Then double click the dimension to edit it. In Solidworks, I can click on a feature in the tree or on any face that is a part of the feature in the model, and all the associated dimensions will appear on top of the model in its current state. Then I can edit any of those dimensions with a single click (or a double-click for no rebuild after). Total of 2 (or 3) clicks, with little to no extra time spent searching for a particular feature earlier in the tree. To be clear, the main issue here isn't the number of clicks, but the lack of information about a feature within the context of the more complete design. Solidworks lets you edit a feature early in the tree, without taking you out of the context you're in when you decide to make the change. Fusion 360 forces you out of that context, temporarily rolling back to the sketch/feature in question, making it harder to predict the downstream effects on the rest of the timeline. I know that in the example I give here, I can just use the push/pull tool to modify that height in Fusion, and it changes the height within the extrude feature (which is awesome, by the way). But I think that even on something this simple, it helps to see the other dimensions in that feature at the same time to help you dial in your changes. Thanks! -Eitan (This idea was proposed over a year ago, but it got archived due to having too many ideas in one post: http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/ideastation-request-a-feature-or/improve-viewing-of-information-about-sketch-modeling-features/idi-p/5861463)
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I'm an architect, so I use Autodesk Revit in my works, and after learning Fusion 360 I got used to the differences between it and Revit.
The one feature I think should definitely be added is the Scale by a reference, it's kind of similar to calibrating a canvas in Fusion when you give a specific length for something and everything is scaled accordingly.
I hope you consider it as a feature to be added to the scale dialog box
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Grouping is one of the most important features in CAD.
So why is there no possibility to move, copy, mirror, etc. on groups?
If I built up a huge hierachy of groupings (and that's for me the only method to keep an overview) I can't manipulate those groups, but have to open every single group to select the containing objects. This means scrolling a lot, keeping an eye on the selected objects not to miss one and induces a huge possibility for errors.
Grouping, nesting, siblings is to be used in any CAD SW, so why not in Fusion??
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Fusion360 really needs Industrial Design tools for "Plastic Part" design as per Inventor 2017. this is am must have and as important as sheet metal.
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Is it possible to add a feature that automatically does the dimensioning in the drawing mode? this feature is already in inventor and Autocad. I am not sure if what I said explains what I have in my mind. so if there are any question please ask. This feature will make work so much faster. I hope it is added to fusion fast.
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Title says it all! As of now, double clicking with the middle mouse button anywhere does a zoom to fit. It could be useful to have the same effect if you do it in the empty space but if you click on a face, you "Look at" the face. The vue is rotated to get the face normal (parallel) to the screen. I think this could be a useful and probably quite easy to implement for the development team. - Blaise
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I'd like to see a feature like web but without the need to extrude to a body. Just draw a single line shape and extrude with options for thickening, one side, two side or symmetrical.
Here's the feature in Geomagic.
Thanks Mark
Just a Note. Should be an option for Sweep, Loft and Revolve. You can do something similar using the patch workspace and thicken but it doesn't work well with T and Y joints.
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There has been multiple requests for this...almost every known program besides Apple native programs give you the ability to customize your own keyboard settings. Not sure why this has been an ongoing issue since 2013 or whatever the oldest request for this was. If you guys aren't going to ever do this then please please please at least add keyboard commands to all the basic moves...like SPLINE sketch, CHAMFER, LOOK AT!!!!!!
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Dear Fusion team: Please consider seriously solve hidpi issue without fooling us with https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/fusion-360/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Performance-Tips-for-running-Fusion-360-on-high-resolution-monitor.html For 4k monitor, windows 10 provided this scale feature but that would cause the blurry display and looks VERY UGLY on 4k monitor. But when we turned that off, the application menu and icon would display with issue like in image. As a company produce hi quality tools for design, the attitude to 4k and hidpi is a seriously one, I don't know why you guys keep sending the above link to the questions and mark them as 'solved', that is not true.
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I would like to add "Find in Timeline" to the dropdown list when right clicking. I know that sometimes a series of hash-marks will appear above the feature when selected, but not if the body you are inquiring about has been paced into a component. I would like the feature to scroll across into view along the timeline.
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Hi, i've found this issue when lofting surfaces. If the option "smooth" is activated, only surface continuity is ok, but not the edges. Here an example: Thank you! Alan.
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We need to be able to set the normal of the construction plane so that sketches be reassigned to a new plane don't get flipped, or splits being redefined via a new plane aren't flipping body identities.
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What I would REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like to see for Fusion is a "send feedback" button. When you press this button it will: - take a screen shot - allow you to enter a description of the issue you are having - allow you to include other pictures and files if needed - allow you to fill in an email address or other contact information - provide a check box for whether you want to be notified of updates regarding the issue (including a ticket number and status changes) - send all of the above information along with the current and all referenced design files directly to Fusion support The forum is great, especially when you can share files publicly. But it does take significantly more work than a simple feedback button would. C|
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Fusion 360 is unable to loft 4 profiles when on one side two curves meet while two other curves to not meet.
MOI just crunches through it and builds the surface. Fusion gives up telling you that the surface would self intersect.
In the screenshot you can see the nice result. A sharp tip where all 4 curves meet and a flat edge where only two curves meet.
Another example that shows that Fusion 360 modeling tools are in some serious need for being updated.
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Hi there, I'm missing a command like the one in Rhino: "RailRevolve": a line/curve is revolved around an axis along a path (two sketches needed). I tried it in Fusion360 in the PATCH environment as a sweep but didn't work. Any other solutions? Otherwise I am greatfull if that could be added! Regards
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I really wish that I could bend, squish and wrap/unwrap my parts. Cosplay, chair covers, clothes, even paint requirements etc would be fun to develop and build. Considering the 2D laser cutter integration, those features would integrate seamlessly. Does anyone know if fabrics are coming to Fusion360?
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At this current date, it is only possible to move a single file to a new location at a time. It is therefore too time consuming to reorganize big projects, as I sometimes do. We should be able to move entire folders and all their content to a new location. Many thanks to the Fusion 360 team that keeps giving, hope to see you guys making this idea a reality!
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I think there needs to be a HIGH CONTRAST MODE for those of us that have poor visibility. Some years ago the colors used everywhere in the computer UI and Websites went to a very soft gray scale and soft Blue and Pink and Green type colors. This is very hard for people with vision problems that affect the ability to distinguish subtle color differences. There needs to be an ability to choose high contrast gray scale or high contrast color for all drawings text and UI icons and text. In today's world more and more disabled people are doing more in areas that even a few years ago were unheard of. Even Sketchup has better contrast than the great product you delver, and I am wanting to upgrade to. I would like to use Fusion 360 but I have tried to for several days and I JUST CAN NOT SEE THE WORDS AND LINES. Please add this simple ability to Fusion 360 ASAP. Please do not make me stay with Sketchup. PLEASE VOTE for the sake of all of us that are handicapped with VISION PROBLEMS. MARK
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I am pretty sure that this feature is not on fusion 360. My idea is to allow users to work on more than one item at a time if the user as more that one display. For example - if a user has 3 displays, and they are making an f1 car. They could be working on the front wings on one display, rear wings on another and the main body on the third display.
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I like to be tidy, I therefore like to delete obsolete designs. Each time I try to delete a design I get "A version of this design has been referenced by drawings or other designs and cannot be deleted". I am the only person accessing these designs so if I want to delete them, regardless of the consequences I should be allowed to, leaving obsolete designs on the desktop can lead to a wrong issue being used. Alternatively allow easy access to the referenced versions so they can be deleted correctly.
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Model = Solid
Patch = Surface
Fusion offers solid and surface modeling tools.
The terms Model and patch workspace is really often a lingo issue when talking to others or explaining the UI and where the solid and surface modeling tools are.
The logic behind naming it Model and Patch can be understood but I simply think it is not really effective because in model you talk about solids and in patch you talk about surfaces.
In patch workspace I deal wit surfaces while NURBS uses a square patch as a building block.
A patch is also more the sub element of surfaces.
Thats why I propose to use more logical and similar terms for the modes based on the geometry they generate
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It is only possible to choose one of the pre-defined ISO or ASME sheet size for drawings in Fusion 360. I need a feature that would allow me to define a custom sheet size. For example: I want to print a 1:1 stencil, that is 2,20m meter long and i have the ability to print it with a plotter, or i can export the oversized plan as pdf to print it as poster in many parts. Plan-CAD-L by Dietrich's Software has the ability to creaty plans in any size. The UI of this tool looks like this: I hope you like this
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I realize that there are a few requests for Dual Units, but has anyone requested dual units throughout the GUI? This would be more efficient as I wouldn't need to do extra work calculating the conversion of units. Can we please be able to either go to document settings and make these changes. Alternatively, be able to right-click on a dimension and then be able to individually, group, or globally, Display Dual units? This could be defined using a simple check-box approach in the settings/preferences or a menu, etc. There are many ways to approach this feature. Thanks!
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I currently work for a large company and we are wanting to switch from SolidWorks to Fusion 360. Sadly though we are not able to do this because of one missing feature. We have decades of 2d drawings from Autocad and SolidWorks that do not have 3d models associated with them. We would not be able to edit any of these crucial drawings if we switched to Fusion. This is a feature that is holding a lot of older companies back from upgrading to Fusion.
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current array does allow you to divide the distance and position objects there.
what is really missing is being able to array parts with a distance between the objects I can adjust!
as an example I will use Blender here: You can array objects next to each other
or define the space between them according to the % of the object width
in addition specifically for Fusion using a distance based on a unite value like 1cm or Dimension of an object would be ideal!!!
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Fusion needs to have a tool to check if two surfaces are truly G0 G1 or G2 like for example Alias offers
there is the curvature comb tool but that one is not very ideal for how it works
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Fusion offers no untrim
while it offers extend, extend is not often the better approach
and untrim would be much faster
it is also a cleaner workflow
the solid modeling heal function can sometimes not solve a problem which is when you have
to go into patch mode and as a designer I rather want to have access to the original surfaces
then having to deal with what result the extend command Fusion gives me to which often are
not ideal - extend surface in general is not an ideal result (not just in Fusion).
for the sake of combining solid and surface modeling in a workflow this is a really missing tool
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Provide a convenient command to delete holes in surfaces by untrimming them, like this: This workflow is currently supported only for solids with the delete face command, but sometimes surface is so complex that cannot be thickened as a solid to get ability to use delete face command. You're therefore forced to delete the hole from the surface itself. Alex
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Please allow a "rotational" iteration in the extrude and sweep tools so that along an axial iteration the face that is iterated upon will also rotate given a certain "twist-rate" or "angle per distance" value. This operation will allow the creation of many useful shapes that would otherwise be impossible or difficult to make.
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Extrude in Fusion is limited to the perpendicular vector of the face or sketch plane it is based on.
That makes this tool in my view often very limited. In free form modelers you can extrude along any direction
by using a custom direction if desired.
1 One can do this in fusion by making a sketch first with an angled line
2 then along that line make a new construction plane
3 on that new plane make a sketch
4 then use the sketch to extrude
this results into 3 more features while in other apps it is just one single feature command.
knowing most of not all modeling tools of Fusion are based on Inventor I am curious if that is even possible with the code they share?
for sure from my point of view the current workflow seems possible but labor intensive and "dated"
are there any chances to improve this?
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I am working with a 7 button mouse, and would absolutely love to be able to assign the view tools like orbit to my extra mouse buttons, since my m4 and m5 buttons are on the side so it will feel kind of like grabbing and moving the object. I am able to assign other tools to m4, but I can only set orbit pan and zoom shortcuts to the predefined setups. I know that other people will want to be able to assign custom keybindings other than the ones available to the view tools too, and as far as i can tell the only way to change them is to set them to the Alias, Inventor, Solidworks, or Tinkercad presets. Is this going to be added in future updates?
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it would be great if the hole tool could:
know where the circle center is when drilling out a pipe
for each pipe I have to do this by hand with 60 pipes a pain to do
second it would be great if like with the fillet could select multiple faces (disks) to perform the hole command onto ONCE.
so much time saved
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It would be nice to be able to create parameters without specifically opening the tool. Example: While creating a rectangle in a sketch, you decide that you want to create a named parameter, and then assign it to the rectangle. Rather than opening the "Change parameters" tool, you could simply input into the box "myRectangleDim=.1in" and then the rectangle would be dimensioned with the parameter "myRectangleDim" and a parameter named "myRectangleDim" would be created with value of .1in.
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Fusion still struggles with many surfacing shortcomings it brings over from Inventor.
Other other CAD applications do not exhibit the same surfacing issues.
For example below the loft without rails will create pinched surfaces
Users need add 3D rail curves to stabilize the loft surface
without 3d rails with 3d rails
This adds additional sketches that overlay with older sketches because Fusion cannot make a 3D sketch tangent to a surface/sketch without projecting it into the sketch
The sketch engine also still exhibits stability issues which makes this workaround also prone to fail when the design is changed.
Patch while working magic in many cases produces however rather undesirable surface qualities which makes it less optimal to use when you are looking for a smooth surface flow. Sampling edges from patch surfaces also can lead to many issues.
Improving the surfacing tools will produce the desired result instantly and eliminates all the other pitfalls.
This is an older discussion / topic and I thought to bring this up again.
2019 we have - Fusion has many cool things like generative design yet surface and sketch engine are still the weak points.
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I think there is no way to actually import a Fusion file into a base feature which I found very surprising.
Once could export convert to DXF and the use the insert command. But this is not really a workflow you want to ask users to use.
However this again is an old issue of Fusion not providing adequate import abilities - STEP import or such should work via the insert command which is common
when like in this case it is even impossible for Fusion to insert a design from the dashboard into a base feature.
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I just recently again got into the position that a model needed to be adjusted and fixed and while DM has a great deal of self healing it is not flawless and magical
so you switch from solid to patch mode but the extend surface only goes sofar.
an untrim tool is so important to have when working with imported STEP data that needs to be adjusted or improved - even for a software like Fusion.
I needed to send again the STEP model to Rhino to fix an issue Fusion was not able to and that is a little embrassing
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there should be no reason why cplanes are size wise all over the place
sometimes I missed new cPlanes because they were so tiny !!!
users should be able to scale cplanes
make all cplanes the same size
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Loft with rails in fusion using as a blend surface tool is pretty tricky.
You need way too often rails to define the result.
In all other surfacing programs this is not needed as the code is smart enough to understand how
the edge condition should be.
you can see the issue loft is positional along the edges
to get what I want I have to add a lot of extra steps making sketches trimming and such - this works just blows up the timeline
The additional issue is that besides more work - having to make 3D sketches - in those 3D sketches it is nearly
impossible to create good and consistent aka equal blend curves for the rails
On MOI for example you just select the edges to blend between and the surface fits perfectly
notice how well the edges blend
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Currently I have to make 2 versions of every sketch that goes to a Laser cutter, because construction lines will come in as cut lines, If I have to make changes It really slows down the workflow.
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It would be nice to be able to assign color to bodies ( as well as automatic color toggle similar to one that works for components). It's similar to appearance but is different in a way that you are not changing the material. It's just a tool to help read the design better.
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I need to do a lot of pipe work and it would be wonderful if Fusion finally would be able in 2016 to add pipes to many sketch edges at once with one command.
for this type of work the current workflow is painfully slow and expensive time wise.
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Everybody loves seeing how a design was created by clicking the play button in the timeline. It would be great to be able to save that out as an animation.
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Hi, the idea is to add an option in the Press Pull command that would permit to chose a different angle (other than the default one that is perpendicular to the translated surface) for the lateral generated faces, as shown in this sketch: For an explanation about the utility of this option, please see here
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I think thats will be a possitive thing, to allow select several "splitting tools" when you split a body, it´s anoying when you work for example in the patch environment and you have to do a lot of splits, but one by one. For sure this litle change, can save a lot of time in our workflow.
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When you place the initial fillet point you can snap to points on the curve GREAT
later tho you cannot drag and move the fillet point but rather are forced to move the point
via a numeric entry.
this is not ideal visually and second it takes a lot of time to calculate each change
basically all NURBS modelers can move fillet points via dragging
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Hello, The Loft tool is one of key modeling operations in F360 for my work but there are some features that are missing. For now I will talk about the most important one that you should add as soon as possible... The possibility to control the curvature continuity of the rails and not just the profiles. Most of the times I perform lofts inside a surface patch layout in which all sides are edges (not curves) and all sides should be tangent. Currently I'm faced with many cases in which I have the rails sides breaking the curvature continuity even if I add many profiles whose curves are tangent to projected curves on the targeted surfaces. The result is not aceptable because even small breaks will be noticed if the part is prototyped or a mould is made to manufacture it. Best regards, Carlos
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Hi, I think it would be cool if you could select to keep an operation window (i.e. extrude) open instead of it closing and having to reopen it. I realise there is a shortcut 'Repeat ****' option, but I think it's more useful to keep the window open in certain situations.
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The Coil tool will likely primarily be used for modeling helical springs in compression, extension, or torsion applications. Although it might be used for other purposes it still feels incomplete. How about adding some functionality for designing thre three common classes of helical springs. Perhaps a whole new featire called the "Spring Tool "can be added that uses the coil tool. For helical compression springs there are two common end features that should be added as options: 1. Closed, pitch adjusts at end coils so that they touch. 2. Ground so that the end coils are flat perpindicular to the main axis of the helix. For helical extension springs a few features might also cover all common configurations: 1. Open loop ends 2. Closed loop ends. 2. Flexibility in position and orientation of loops. For helical torsional springs there are again many configurations that can be covered usually with just a few smart features: 1. Sraight ends for the legs. 2. Flexibility in position and orientation of legs. General functionality for all compression spring types: 1. Permit direction of winding. 2. Permit special geometry for cross-section of wire. 3. Permit ends to be easily modified for special end types such as custom loops or other shapes. 4. Permit special positoning and orientation of ends by permiting bends in any direction. Additonal Features: 4. Permit manual adjustments of end coils for pitch. 5. Create a library of common end types for non-compression springs.
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lets say you get a design that has some holes (step SW import)
and you want to close that hole in Alias or so I would untrim the opening.
Fusion does not have the ability to untrim data.
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Allow the ability to mirror a body offset from the original and then delete the original. This gives the ability to produce the opposite hand of the original quickly and efficiently.
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I would like to see the creation of all "Construction" types be under ONE creation dialogue for each of the Construction tools. One dialog for creating Planes, one for Axis, and one for Points. You click on "Create Plane" and then the dialog offers all the different methods to do this.
The big advantage of this would be when you need to redefine a plane by a different method than what you originally used. As of now, if you want to redefine a plane as "Plane at Angle" and you had made it an "Offset Plane", you have to delete it; create the new one; and then reroute any sketches or splits that used it to the new plane. A time suck.
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Add loop seelct for the NGON faces. Currently in Fusion you have to select edge by edge with this mesh.
This is very slow and painful to work with
In Maya Blender Modo it is a click click crease and you are done task.
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A great new tool that designers would use often is a free form measurement or ruler tool. The idea would be that initially one end of the measurement tool is anchored to a body or vertex or even any arbitrary point and the other end would be moving freeform in space snapping to the closest body or vertex or if nothing close, just moving freely in 3D space, and as this end moves realtime measurements are called out - specifically X, Y, and Z distances as well as the hypotenuse distance.
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it would be great if I could select the body in the browser and Fusion would select all faces at once.
Currently it seems I have to click each face I want to split by hand which is time consuming.
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please allow professional users to import and place CAD data like STEP etc inside a base feature via the insert menu
and not the dashboard.
We have now new design from file - great!
Being able to insert CAD data right into a Fusion design is still more than needed for a fluid and fast workflow
and not having to deal with upload and process time before a designer can continue.
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In a projection all end points for lines, as well as center points for arcs, are projected into the sketch for reference :
Unfortunately, there is no way to disable this in a projection.
(In the original sketch, we can hide these going to the Sketch Palette and unchecking "Show Points")
So this idea/suggestion/request : allowing to hide Show Points on a projected sketch ?
Thanks for your attention, Cordially,
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Parts/components/assembly rotation and manipulation should always be set at the center of the screen (we never really actually work on one corner of the screen) at a depth corresponding to the closest point of the geometries (intersection between a virtual axis perpendicular to the screen crossing the geometry). This way, the rotation point would never have to be adjusted along the zoom. This is super annoying when working on a long part and/or a large part with many small details.
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T-Splines can snap CVs to existing BREP geometry but not snap to TS mesh inside the same TS feature.
Snapping is such an important tool to have.
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I would like a way to record ideas or details related to a model in modeling mode. It could be implemented any number of ways, but I would like to see something like a text leader in drawing mode which could be turned on and off easily. It would point to a fixed location, and the text would always be oriented to the viewer regardless of the model viewing angle. A traditional "text box" would also be nice. I do most of my work in "traditional machining" so I'm pretty good at designing things like holes and fillets in blocks. But every now and then i have to design something using a design tool that takes me a lot of time to understand. For instance, recently I designed a complex surface using lofts. It took many hours to get right, and to be honest my understanding of it is still pretty tenuous. I'd like to be able put reminders in the model as to how I got it to actually work so I can come back up to speed quickly if I need to make changes in the future. Other application for this could be: To note part references for un-modeled components that may attach to the model: "bolt pattern for control rod" To note some feature that was changed relative to another drawing: "changed handle material" To remind the designer of some critical circumstance :"this surface exposed to high heat!" To document source material: "this profile transferred from Julie's sketch" Having something similar in the Patch and CAM environments would also be very useful for me.
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Hello, Fusion 360 has been a blast. Thank you for the great product. I was thinking it would be cool when a tool menu option has a hot key, let's say R for rectangle, Pressing the same key or key combo several times would cycle through all the different rectangle types. This would help speed my flow and would work with circle, arc, pattern, etc... Keep it up!
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Fusions OBJ export only supports tries making it look more like an STL export.
For rendering this produces heavy meshes.
compare this with MOI which meshes with NGONs
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For constructing models based on paper or sheet metal, it's really important to constrain models based on the length of curves/lines instead of only the distance between two points on the curve. Not having this feature makes it virtually impossible to correctly model a curved piece of paper / sheet metal based on the size of the original sheet. This is also really important when interacting with belts around pulleys.
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Show them as dotted lines or very light lines to reflect that they are "hidden" edges. This is for G1 or better edges between faces in the viewport.
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make a copy of an object creates a move feature
align the copy adds another move feature
you can actually delete the first move feature after the paste of a copy
so why not combine move and align into one command anyway
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so many individual remove features making the timeline a pain to use ...
would it be possible if desired to simply combine them into one remove feature!?
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align command does not result into an align feature in the timeline
editing it just opens a move tool dialog with no align options inside ...
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Fusion can only show the comb on a surface edge but not inside / on a surface.
In Alias I just use the dynamic comb tool and can adjust orientation amount and spacing
of curvature combs.
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mirror works great to make a full copy fusing two halfs together
but if you want to have the other half alon you need top copy paste etc ...
so it would be nice if mirror could have an open to
just copy and mirror
copy mirror and fuse
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in a curve network the tool should be able to understand were lines intersect and thus
provide the segments for patch edge input!
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My kind request is to bring the indent feature in Fusion 360 like in Solidworks . Right now achieving the same output in Fusion 360 has some workarounds which is quite long http://autode.sk/2hVZmkL Kindly watch the above link where I have explained the necessity of the indent Feature and hear it with the audio output
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Fusion could benefit enormously by adding in the functionality of symmetry planes and axes while creating symmetric sketches and bodies.
Rather than wasting time drawing only half a sketch for a symmetrical part, then having to mirror that, then do a combine/stitch or whatever to it, why not provide symmetry planes and axes to do all that for right from within the sketch!
I tend to be a whole picture guy so really don't like having to design something in halves, and then have to perform more functions to it just to get it to a whole. I want to actually see what I am designing as I'm designing it. Using symmetry axes and planes does that so simply and easily. I have used it in other software and I absolutely LOVE it! So fast and easy.
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I still think that the loft tool in some areas works great but to often results into useless surfaces:
Problem 1:
Problem 2:
This work around seems to do it:
so much extra work ...
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The ideia was to be able to create snap points on mesh nodes or even better snap polylines to mesh nodes The idea is to be able to create 3D polylines for reverse engineering. Such command is time saver when extacting / recreating coutours on mesh objects.
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Inventor has it - Fusions solid tools are so great we have CNC 3D printing and such and a lip function really is a missing child here
so designers can better make functional prototypes with lip generation along parting lines.
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Fusion only has a fillet radius but it should have also a fillet chord.
chord really maintains the shape while you see that the Fusion model has a change in fillet width.
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Currently Patch only offers the user to skin a surface along boundary edges.
Sometimes it would be good to have the ability to make the patch surface also follow along a center like
Rail spline than can go along U or V similar to Curve Network in Rhino or fill surface in SolidWorks
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Need fuctionality within PATCH to create an nSided tangen or smooth fill surface with constraint curves. This would be a surface with 5 or more sides as well as just 3 sides. The need fo