I originally posted this idea in Inventor ideas, and i know that there have been similar ideas posted in here, but I wanted to give my point of view my idea of CAD+VR setup.
At the moment VR is just growing at the consumer level, and the hardware that is good enough is here. and now at least in my country there are b2b company's that offer vr solutions. also VR developers and enthusiast who fiddle with the tech.
now compered to inventor update cycle to fusion 360's, its known and loved that fusion brings out updates and patches monthly
I think that fusion 360 and Inventor both should have VR integration, because it opens up new ways to work and collaborate
At the moment the best hardware to start implementing would be HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.
Because roomscale and motion controllers.
For example look at the program called tilt brush, and if any chance try it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91J8pLHdDB0 also August 2017 Gravity sketch came out
what really got me with gravity sketch is the surface creation and modification and the overall feel how the models are made. it acts like splines where you have curvy line with control points.
VR for the ability to get sense of scale of the things you are modeling.
Motion controllers for modeling and interacting with parts.
Roomscale for walking around your model.
at the moment game engines like Unreal Engine 4 and Unity will have VR editor
and valve had awesome collection of demos, called the lab, and one of them is Human Body Scan where you can view 3D model of skeleton and the feeling i got, is the ability to slice the scan and look inside, and this would be awesome to to with assembles, the function to do that in fusion is there.
So my conclusion is that fusion 360 would be a good platform for bringing 3D CAD into VR, creating and modifying models in VR,
creating Assemblies like putting together Lego's. Doing collaboration in Virtual Environment when designers and engineers do not actually have to be in the same place is fascinatingly awesome. And what i have seen, is that VR is here to stay, and will become part of the way create, learn and do thing's.