Before Upchain, our company used a fairly complex part numbering scheme which identified the category of the part (assembly, sub-assembly, molded plastic part, machined part, etc.), as well as the internal project number (2 digit identifier based on which project the part belongs to) and then an incremental 4 digit number. For example 302-020044 would be a molded plastic part (302) within project 02, and it would be the 44th part within the 302 category. When transitioning to Upchain, we decided to use two custom attributes to denote the part category and project number which would read their values from a custom iProperty in our Inventor templates, and set the Upchain automatic item numbering rule for the incremental number at the end. We set our BOM view columns in Upchain to show the attribute for part category, then the attribute for project number, then the item number, then the item name as shown in the picture below, and it reads almost exactly the same as our old numbering scheme. It would be nice if we were able to use those custom attributes for part category and project number in our filename.pattern tenant property so that our CAD files were automatically renamed with all of the above information. Currently the filename.pattern is limited to original file name, sequence number, item number, item name, and file extension so we are only able to add the incremental number to the file without the custom attribute information.
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