The documentation on using rest-API calls with Upchain is not very helpful to someone like me who is very familiar with Python and wants to use it for these calls but is new to API calls. The process is laid out over several pages and is not very easy to follow. It is also geared towards the HTML programming language, although Python and windows command prompts can also be used. None of the example scripts are written in Python. I would like to see a single page that would list out step-by-step instructions for both completing the entire process of getting set up for API calls AND making your first calls in Python. For example, "Step 1: create a server-to-server application, and here's how. Step 2, ask Autodesk support to whitelist your client ID, and here's where you can find the information they need and how to submit that request. Step 3, use an API call to obtain an authorization token, and here are some examples of how you can do that in Python along with the exact URL's needing to be referenced in the call. This is the format in which the call needs to be made, and here is an example script you can use by filling in these values. Step 4, use that authorization token to make API calls that perform other actions, and here is an example in Python of how you can do that. Now that you know the 'how', here is the page for Swagger which gives a full list of the functions you can perform with Upchain's API and how to perform those functions. Trying to piece together the necessary information from several different websites and pages is exhausting.
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