New Bill of Materials for Inventor Industrial Revolution 4.0 -) Thank you for voting English version For Drawing Functions: 1. filter-settings-for-bill-of-materials 2. allow-undo-in-bom 3. bill-of-materials-always-open 4. inventor-renaming-tool-without-vault/ - NEXT RENAMING 5. create-drop-down-menu-part-fx-user-parameter-to-assembly-bill-of 6. link-parts-list-to-excel-automatically 7. frame-generator-change-definitions-the-item-in-a-bill-of 8. bill-of-materials-in-ipt-for-multibody 9. more-keys-for-parts-list 10. TOTAL WEIGHT - I choose items I want to put in weight or check All weight for all items 11. COMBINATION BILL OF MATERIALS - We have 300,000 to 500,000 active components (Total Occurences in Activ Document) for one or more, so the main assemblies are done in AutoCAD. Function: using the button = COMBINATION BILL OF MATERIALS= I label the reports in a folder, this information loads me to the BILL OF MATERIALS, I count all the same pieces and I can make BILL OF MATERIALS for the main assembly. This can then be printed and attached to the AutoCAD main assembly. If I change something in Inventor, I will always have my current BILL OF MATERIALS. 12. LIST OF DRAWING DOCUMENTATION - List all drawings from top to bottom. Layout of drawings 13. BUTTON Apply 14. summary-print 15. PRINT- I can select all items to print or just some. 16. ZOOM 17. The ability to create rows without having to use a virtual component. 18. When we create a drawing and save it, it will appear in (BILL OF MATERIALS / PARTS LIST) DRAWING FORMAT as described in the drawing that we already created a drawing 19. The status item is already created, just use it, we know in the drawing if the drawing is already approved. This item applies to the model, but the model and the drawing must agree, so when approved, this will apply to the model and the drawing at the same time. In spite of the selection, it should be possible to mark all items and to approve all at once. 20. qty-for-multi-body-pattern-bill-of-materials 21. WEIGHT FOR VIEW REPRESENTATION, TO DRAW FILTR FOR LEVEL OF DETAILS - Currently, we get weight with levels of detail, but we are not able to get a detail level filter for the drawing. We are able to turn on the representation view filter for the drawing, but we do not get weight. If we copy the detail level to the view of the representation, then we will change something in the level of detail so the changes will not automatically be reflected in the view. We must delete the view of the representation, re-transfer the new level of detail to the view of the representation, and then turn the detail level again into the drawing. 22. I hope it will be in new BILL OF MATERIALS to implement the level of detail for parts Czech version Pro vĆ½kres: Funkce: 1. FILTR PRO ROZPISKU 2. FUNKCE ZPÄT A V PÅED PRO ROZPISKU 3. ROZPISKA VŽDY OTEVÅENĆ 4. PÅEJMENOVĆNĆ SOUBORÅ® BEZ VAULT - DOPLNÄNĆ PÅEJMENOVĆNĆ 5. VYTVOÅIT MENU SEZNAM PRO-fx-UŽIVATELSKĆ PARAMETRY V ROZPISCE 6. link-ROZPISKA DO EXCELU AUTOMATICKY 7. frame-generator-ZMÄNA DEFINICE PRO POLOŽKY V ROZPISCE 8. ROZPISKA PRO OBJEMOVĆ TÄLESA IPT 9. VĆCE VARIANT PRO KUSOVNĆK 10. CELKOVĆ HMOTNOST - Vyberu si položky, kterĆ© chci dĆ”t do hmotnosti nebo zaÅ”krtnu All hmotnost pro vÅ”echny položky. 11. KOMBINACE KUSOVNĆKÅ® - MĆ”me sestavy o 30000až50000 aktivnĆch komponentĆ”ch (Total Occurences in Activ Dokument) nÄkdo i vĆce proto se hlavnĆ sestavy dÄlajĆ v AutoCadu. Funkce: pÅes tlaÄĆtko =KOMBINACE KUSOVNĆKU= oznaÄĆm sestavy ve složce, tyto informace se mi naÄtou do kusovnĆku, spoÄĆtajĆ se mi vÅ”echny stejnĆ© kusy a mÅÆžu dÄlat kusovnĆk pro hlavnĆ sestavu. Toto pak mÅÆžu vytisknout a pÅiložit k hlavnĆ sestavÄ v AutoCadu. Pokud zmÄnĆm nÄco v Inventoru, vždy budu mĆt aktuĆ”lnĆ hlavnĆ kusovnĆk. 12. SEZNAM VĆKRESOVĆ DOKUMENTACE - Seznam vÅ”ech vĆ½kresu shora dolÅÆ. Rozpad vĆ½kresÅÆ 13. TLAÄĆTKO POUŽĆT 14. HROMADNĆ TISK 15. TISK-MÅÆžu vybrat vÅ”echny položky k tisku nebo jen nÄkterĆ©. 16. ZOOM 17. Možnost vytvĆ”Ået ÅĆ”dky bez nutnosti použitĆ virtuĆ”lnĆ komponenty 18. Když vytvoÅĆme vĆ½kres a uložĆme ho, objevĆ se v rozpisce/kusovnĆk FORMĆT podle toho poznĆ”me v rozpisce, že již jsme vytvĆ”Åeli vĆ½kres 19. Položka stavu je již vtvoÅena, staÄĆ jen použĆt, poznĆ”me u vĆ½kresu, jestli je už vĆ½kres schvĆ”len. Tato položka platĆ sice pro model, ale model a vĆ½kres musĆ souhlasit, proto když dĆ”me schvĆ”leno, bude to platit pro model i vĆ½kres souÄasnÄ. PÅes vĆ½bÄr by mÄlo bĆ½t možnĆ© oznaÄit vÅ”echny položky a vÅ”echny schvĆ”lit najednou 20. SEÄTENĆ A ROZPOZNĆNĆ OBJEMOVĆCH TÄLES V ROZPISCE PO PÅEVODU 21. HMOTNOST PRO POHLEDOVOU REPREZENTACI, FILTR DO VĆKRESU PRO ĆROVEÅ DETAILU - V souÄasnosti zĆskĆ”me hmotnost s ĆŗrovnÄ detailu, ale nejsme schopni zĆskat filtr ĆŗrovnÄ detailu pro vĆ½kres. Jsme schopnĆ zapnout filtr Pohledu reprezentace pro vĆ½kres, ale nedostaneme s pohledu hmotnost. Pokud zkopĆrujeme ĆŗroveÅ detailu do pohledu reprezentace, tak potom nÄco zmÄnĆme v Ćŗrovni detailu, tak se nĆ”m zmÄny nepromĆtnou automaticky do pohledu. MusĆme danĆ½ pohled reprezentace smazat, znovu pÅenĆ©st novou ĆŗroveÅ detailu do pohledu reprezentace a pak zase zapnout ĆŗroveÅ detailu ve vĆ½kresu. 22.DoufĆ”m, že bude v novĆ©m kusovnĆku ĆŗroveÅ detailu pro ipt
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