Please give us more control over editing design views (DesignViewRepresentations / DesignViewRepresentation).
I would like to be able to either just edit one of them at a time (like now), or be able to edit multiple of them at one time (but not all of them), or be able to edit all of them at the same time. There may be some restrictions / exceptions to this ability, such as if/when some of them may be Locked or something like that.
In Inventor 2024 we have a tool called 'Edit Member Scope' (on the Manage tab, Author panel),
which can be used to help us control whether we are currently editing just the active 'member' or all 'members' (Member Scope vs Factory Scope). This relates to iParts, iAssemblies, and ModelStates. Having something like this for DVR's also would be a step in the right direction. However, I would like to take it a step further, or use a different mechanism than that, which would allow for a third option, such as 'edit multiple' (not just the active one, or all). There could simply be additional checkboxes next to all the DVR's that are currently being edited, or there could be some other types of modified icons next to the ones being edited (or not being edited).
Another thought that comes to mind is to incorporate a table (of sorts), where all the currently existing DVR's would be included in one table representation, with one row for each one, then there would be columns for each settings being controlled by them. This could be another (less convenient, but at least something) way of editing them all in one place. And since there are Excel worksheet options for editing iPart/iAssembly/ModelState tables, there could be one for this too, if its not too much trouble. Just throwing that idea out there.
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