Hello, does anyone of you know if there is an API for DrawingEditModelDimension? I have an iLogic where I fill the dimension in the 2D sketch in the part or a dimension in the drawing with a tolerance value. It is a command and depending on where I am, the iLogic adds the tolerance. This is very handy. Now there are also dimensions in the drawing that I promote from the model. Inventor 2024 Help | Edit model dimensions from a drawing | Autodesk What is still missing in the iLogic is the extension to Edit model dimensions. That would be really brilliant, it wouldn't matter to me whether it was a general dimensioning or promoted by the model. By triggering the rule, it would immediately fill the dimensions correctly with the tolerance. For Example: - What have I got so far? This is my iLogic Rule: Sub Main
Dim oSS As SelectSet = ThisDoc.Document.SelectSet
For Each oObj In oSS
If TypeOf oObj Is DimensionConstraint Then
Dim oDimConst As DimensionConstraint = oObj
oDimConst.Parameter.Tolerance.SetToFits(ToleranceTypeEnum.kLimitsFitsShowTolerance, "", "js4")
End If
If TypeOf oObj Is DrawingDimension Then
Dim oDrawingDim As DrawingDimension = oObj
oDrawingDim.Tolerance.SetToFits(ToleranceTypeEnum.kLimitsFitsShowTolerance, "", "js4")
End If
End Sub
I can use this rule to select a dimension in the 2D sketch in a part and add the tolerance via the rule. The same thing happens with the same rule in a drawing for DrawingDimension. What I'm missing is an extension to this rule that also controls the DrawingEditModelDimension. I thought of something like that... (for ModelDimension I need API ModelDimension in Drawing) If TypeOf oObj Is ModelDimension Then
Dim oModelDim As ModelDimension = oObj
oModelDim.Tolerance.SetToFits(ToleranceTypeEnum.kLimitsFitsShowTolerance, "", "js4")
End If Cherr's -Viktor @Anonymous@autodesk.com
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