Regions are great (when they work), but I was recently in conversation with someone how was trying to create regions in a new scan and I had to explain that points could only belong to one region at a time which got me thinking: It'd be nice if I could give a collection of points multiple labels/regions. Eg. I go through and I sort out all the structural members in a scan and label them 'structural', and then I go and label all the walls as 'walls', pipes as 'pipes' etc. Then I go through and sort out the scan by Bays, Bay A1-B6, Bay A7-B10, etc. Then I maybe go and give a region a project number. For this to work, I would essentially have to have points belong to multiple regions at the same time and then to have a means to group similar types of regions together or filter between multiple region groups. (eg. Show me the Pipes and Structural in Bay A1-B6.
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