(Copied from original User Voice forum)
"More options like autocomplete, wrapping lines of code, etc"
"There should be a save button that saves the contents of the script editor... maya hard crashes or hangs = script lost.
Shift tab should unindent the entire selection, not stop once a line that isn't indented is reached.
Using triple single quotes in python should highlight strings like using triple double quotes.
Some sort of debug mode that displays values of variables. If my script fails, I dont want to print a bunch of variables."
"Pasting something into the script editor from another program like PyCharm should not fail... I shouldn't have to paste into notepad and recopy to be able to paste into the script editor."
"At the minimum there should be a standard font selection w/ size etc panel."
"- Double-clicking a variable name should also select the "$" at the the beginning. - Right-click should have an option to print selected. I have hacked this in myself, but should be standard for de-bugging....or even better hover over variables to see their values like Visual Studio. - Script editor should save contents to temporary file before execution or allow user to do a quick save without having to go through a file browser. - Please make the Quick Help side bar re-sizable. At least increase the width so you can read the contents properly."
"- An option to collapse blocks of code - Easier access to changing the color scheme of the script editor - An on/off word wrap option. -A way to arrange tabs so that they can be seen side by side instead of only being able to view one tab at a time."
"The way it works now is "scary"... How tabs and the content of them are stored in the prefs and how it retains tab orders..etc. When you have more than 1 maya open right now and if you did any tab or tab content editing.. there is a very high chance you will loose those work either in the current maya session or the content from another maya session.. Its all hit and miss and there are things you can do to prevent it. But they are really terrible turnarounds. Like closing your script editor on one maya before opening it on the other maya. Or close and reopen the script editor so it stores your changes before opening the script editor of another maya... This is the most annoying part right now. We have to get this to work much more stable.
Also, we need some kind of Auto save function for all content in the script editor.
Also a few more changes. More font options (control of default text size, choose fonts, size of fonts in the history..etc like most text editor can do), customizable hotkeys for all things in script editor, tabs can be reordered by just dragging the tabs around, better search and replace. And an additional search option for the history section."
"*Code folding *Column/block Mode editing *single line comment, single line UN-comment, Block comment, Block UN-comment. *Variable highlighting *Convert case to UPPERCASE/lowercase *Goto-definition, refactoring, inline snippets *Macros"
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