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Combine Mudbox and Maya

Combine Mudbox and Maya

Maya already has some sculpting features. It would be nice if these were as advanced as Mudbox or Zbrush. Blender has these features and I don't really see a reason to have it in a seperate program.

Also the possibilty to paint textures would be very nice. So often I just want to paint something up and to go to another software package, or photoshop is a bit silly. To be able to do it al in Maya would be amazing. 


Wow, looks amazing. I guess this is still in development.

yeh . we need that amazing future AD .


That's incredible, never knew that video existed... any update on that, Autodesk?


Hurry up with that sculpting stuff - when will it be released ?


I would love to have more mudbox features in maya and vice versa. But have to strongly disagree with combining both software into one.


maya cannot handle the same amount of polys mudbox can handle. Also not everyone uses Maya. Some ppl use max with mudbox.



That's a fair point but it should be possible.


Maya users want the ability to sculpt as in Mudbox. 


Technical limitations should not be a factor in developing any software. That is why technology has always progressed. Artists have always pushed what the software is capable of by demanding the tools to make stuff.


People can still use stand alone Mudbox - we Maya users are asking if mudbox features can be made available in Maya.


Anyway, such tools would not be for pore level detail but for sculpting the primary and secondary forms. It would be useful in blend shapes as well. 

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Take a look at it. Probably it does not fill all your needs but might be helpful in some cases. And works with animation as well:

If Maya would have more Mudbox features it will be clearly for users which software to stick to between Max and Maya. Moreover If Mudbox is combined with Maya, that will game over for Max, no other way to say it.  Im a  bit cynical though and I want all the good things from mudbox into Maya. Max is too far behind.



Mudbox should be integrated in both Max and Maya if it is no longer actively developed (which is the case nowadays).


Yes please! This would be awesome, I hate going  to other packages like substance or mudbox to paint a simple bump . If it happens don't forget about awesome brushes like substance has.


Great idea!


That's a great idea. Mudbox is practically free at this point anyway. I'd much rather Autodesk zero in on core features that artists need -- like integrating the interactive sculpting of Mudbox, updating the Shatter and PaintFX tools which are still the same as when they were introduced 150 years ago (can we please get an interactive Voronoi Shatter, dammit?!) etc etc -- instead of obsessing over nonsense stuff like Bifrost which are essentially entirely different higher level programs spoojed into Maya with a totally unique workflow & interface.



Remember Autodesk's statement that killing softimage was so that they could focus on accelerating the development of 3ds max and maya? And that all the amazing features in softimage would be available in their other products? 


That was announced in 2014........................................we are still waiting for Autodesk to focus on and accelerate the development of their expensive products. Softimage had the most thoughtful interaction method which made everything feel super organic. I can't believe that their superior workflow and interaction system has not been ported over to Max and Maya. There is still no software that comes close in terms of intelligent, fully integrated systems and tools that softimage XSI. And its dead carcass has not been utilised in other products and no one can buy it anymore. 

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That old tech demo will never arrive in Maya. AFAIK someone else has the Ip to this incredible technology and Autodesk won’t license it. Please Autodesk at least merge mudbox into Maya. Just do it 

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