Autodesk inventor is an awesome, and irreplaceable standalone program. Autodesk CFD is another asset I believe is not fully maxed out/utilized. But leveraging on the strengths of both software and combining them using a co-simulation solver to unlock 2-way FSI would be a game changer for most users of your software library. ANSYS has it as a component system in Workbench called "System Coupling". COMSOL Multiphysics also has similar. From the sales perspective, those who wish to use co-simulation would have to purchase individual licenses or sold a package deal. Mind you, this is without having to create features that you don't already possess in your library. A few years ago when I began my research, I really wished you had this feature, and I reached out. But now that I am rounding up my research, beginning to publish my papers, and seeking patent protections on novel-turbine configurations created, ANSYS would be taking all the Numerical/Simulation credit.
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