Hello, This is the example, which is the base for my improvement requests: I have two parts that I need to position more often to each other. But there are two ways (design A and design B) to do this. Therefore, I create 4 iMates. One for the z-direction, one for the y-direction and two iMates for the x-direction due to the two designs. The position of the glyphs of the iMates aren’t changeable. Sometimes there are two glyphs on the same position (e.g. the two iMates for the x-direction). When I Alt+Dragging an iMate from part 1 and want to set it on an iMate of part 2, whose glyph is behind another iMate, then a selection window will appear. But I can’t choose the second iMate, because the command aborts as soon as I select it. It would be nice, if -The selection in the window would work, or -I could change the position of the glyphs or if the glyphs were placed where I selected the face, axis etc. when I created the iMate, or -I could connect the iMates to each other in the model browser (this isn’t my prioritized solution I miss the names of iMates - When I select a component - As an information behind the mate (to know if the parts are positioned in design A or B) In the moment there is only the information which components are involved, but I need the components and the names of the iMates or at least that the iMates are highlighted in the model browser It would be very helpful, if iMates with a filled matching list could only connect to iMates that are in the list. I think this is very important.
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