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Layer state is a mess!

Message 1 of 15
1315 Views, 14 Replies

Layer state is a mess!

This problem is ETERNAL in AutoCAD and i already lost my hopes it will someday be fixed.

Layerstate is a troy horse, it seems will help u but it will send you in so many ways.

Is pretty easy to fix but i think that autodesk does not give a care to AutoCAD anymore, that is the truth.

Can come here 500 ppl with beautiful profiles giving a full explanation seeking to receive from you the seal of right answer so in their profiles will show that they answered and solved the problem but the fact is that this is an error in AutoCAD. The viewport never keeps the layer state, if u back to model work, switch the layer states and back to layout to see how is each sheet you will see that its all mixed up and u need manually re-choose the layer state for each viewport, THERE IS NO EXCUSE THAT CAN EXCUSE THIS, ITS A ERROR IN AUTOCAD!!!!!!!!

Ppl here try to cover to protect autoCAD but the fact is that is an error.


And more, if you change the color of something in Model it will neverrrrrrr change the color in the viewports, and you will lose weeks trying to fix but everytime when you choose the layerstate the previous color of some layer will return to the previous color that you dont want.


Ppl can come here and give a beautiful answer saying "ahh all u need is click here and there and update..." but it seems to me they dont know that we work in Model and not in layout, we deal with project with a million lines on the screen, can just cant manually layer by layer and viewport by viewport and layout by layout update everything.


If ppl lose more time going there in support and demanding AutoCAD to change this in next updates instead of defending the indefensible once they know that its a error but they dont want to say it, this problem would be solved since 2018 or earlier.

Hugs from 2024 and the problem carries on...


@alexandresynth - this post has been edited due to Community Rules & Etiquette violation.

Message 2 of 15
in reply to: alexandresynth

Hi (also an User as we all),


<and again>


>>"but the fact is that this is an error in AutoCAD."

Nope. You are expecting an different result, but this tool is not what you are after.

What you like to have ist not possible (until today).


>>"The viewport never keeps the layer state"

A Layerstate is not associated with a viewport, that'S it.




Again: It isn't a bug, but it also isn't the function you are after.


>>"Ppl here try to cover to protect autoCAD but the fact is that is an error."

I can't think that somebody to protect Autodesk, but it isn't an error.



The point is: this tool is simply not what you are looking for!

It looks similar at first glance, but it is something completely different, it is just a tool to change many layer properties

at once and not have to redo all layer property changes over and over again.

The feature you are looking for, and what many other users, including me, are looking for,

would be a (new) viewport option with the functionality you describe.


= = =


>>"And more, if you change the color of something in Model it will neverrrrrrr change the color in the viewports"

That's wrong or better, it is on you!

Don't use VP color overrides and the layercolor in VP will corrospondent with the layer color.

If you layer color is overwritten (VP LAYER), the user said "ignore the layer color and use this color in this viewport)


>>", and you will lose weeks trying to fix"

1 click per layout, nothing more - or with a tool, 1 click for all viewports.

Command VPLAYER or rightclick, remove layer overrides


>"but everytime when you choose the layerstate the previous color of some layer will return to the previous color that you dont want."

That's on you, YOU used the "as viewport override"  INCL COLORS

disable the color options and colors will not override




Message 3 of 15
in reply to: cadffm


@cadffm  schrieb:


>>"but the fact is that this is an error in AutoCAD."

Nope. You are expecting an different result, but this tool is not what you are after.

What you like to have ist not possible (until today).



Layerproperties (layer on/off freeze/thaw) in .DWG/DXF are global settings (global means everywhere inside each file),

You have to set Layer ON and THAWED if you want to see layer objects wherever in your file, it isn't independent of layout viewports, so it is not possible in .dxf / .dwg format


So it is not possible to by simple 3rd party tools to have all your wishes,

but it is possible to associate layerstates to viewports by tools.

But that doesn't completely solve your problem in dealing with the layer properties ON/OFF FREEZE/THAW.
Everything else is possible.





Message 4 of 15
in reply to: cadffm

it IS a mistake, stop fool yourself and the others. Also remove the title of expert in autocad from your signature.


Are you an real user of AutoCAD? Really? Or u are just a teacher? Send me your project i want to see it, because is just IMPOSSIBLE u do a real full architecture project without use the layer states, is just impossible! How will u deal with a million of layers in your face turned on at same time??



Without layer state



With Layer state


I NEVER changed the overwrite configurations of layer inside the late state, i even think an interesting idea for some occasions but i NEVER used. All the changed i do are in MODEL but the problem is that when i go to layout i never over and over again choose the layer state for each viewport in each layout and any change of layer (color, tickness, printable or not, transparency, etc...) when i change the layer state all them are LOST FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!


The only way to keep them are 2:
1 - Or i delete all layer states, do the changes i want in layers and then create one by one again.

2 - If i choose each layerstate, perfomance all changes in each layer (in model, not editing anything inside the LAS layer overwrite) and then i open the LAS and click in update. After that i need to choose the next layer state, performance the same changes in each layer and update again, is not "only 1 click" as u said.


What happened was the following: the programmers programmed this resource, the system analyst did a very poor test because he wanted to go home fast to play Age of Empires, so hr gave his OK and it was published without further investigations and tests and we real users (not you) are paying the price of that tester 10 years ago until today. And it is still alive despite many ppl complain about the same problems in many foruns in many countries because ppl keep defending that is not a bug and we just dont know how to use.


It carries a BUG inside, everyone who read this in the future keep it in main!

You click in ok but it will not be saved, you change something and this change does not stay.

Message 5 of 15
in reply to: alexandresynth

Hi Alexandresynth,


I've taken time for you again, maybe this thread will end with some benefit for you after all?



>>" Also remove the title of expert in autocad from your signature."
May I ask why? PS: The title is "ExpertElite", not random "Expert",
ExpertElite is a program from AutoDESK:


>>"Are you an real user of AutoCAD?"




>>"Or u are just a teacher?"
No teacher or something like this, full time user


>>" Send me your project i want to see it,"
Why should I send my company&customers data and for what, perhaps I can set up a sample for you.

>>"because is just IMPOSSIBLE u do a real full architecture project without use the layer states"
1. That's wrong. There are some other solutions instead the native "layer states" (but I know, that wasn't your point)*

     I prefer a combination of Layerstates and Scripts/macro or tools.
2. Nobody said you can't or you shouldn't use it.

    USE IT! Why not? Works perfect to change a lot of layers by one click.

>>"How will u deal with a million of layers in your face turned on at same time??
One million will not work in Acad, but let's talk about a mass of layers..
You can use Layerstates, Scripts/Tools/Programs, Layerstates are well working too and not a problem.
That doesn't changes what as I said:
- Linking layerstates to a viewport is not possible ootb.
- You have to set all layers to ON and THAW if you want to see there objects anywhere in the file.



For beginners who is not using Viewport-Layeroverrites (except the VP freeze), a short explaination without the problematic cases
like new xref-versions, new Layers and other funny things in the real world, and think about: This is just one possible way, not the only one - just a sample:

1. You need a model basic Layerstate with all layers* on/th {Exception: Layers with object you don't like see, ANYWHERE}
2. Before you record/save a Layout Layerstate, set your model basic Layerstate current

3 Whenever you leave your drawing or you want to plot, restore your basic model state first (also possible to di this automatic)
this way all layouts fine and ready to print, also by publish.

4. Whenever you want to set up a new layout viewport by using a layerstate, set your basic model state first.

5. and set up your restore-process to restore "Visibility in Current VP" ONLY!


All the time between 'set up a viewport' and 'I want plot now', the Layerproperties doesn't matter,
you can use FREEZE and OFF/ON - whatever, like you want and like you need.

That's it.

>>I NEVER changed the overwrite configurations of layer inside the late state, i even think an interesting idea for some occasions but i NEVER used."
And I don't know why you talking about htis, nobody talked about this feature, but okay.


>>All the changed i do are in MODEL"
Model or not Model has nothing to do with Layerproperties - also while in Layouts or inside a Layout viewport
you can change the Layerproperties as you can do it while in modelspace.

Distinguish: ViewPort properties (VP color/ VP Ltype ...) vs. generall layer properties (on/off/freeze/thaw/color/ltype..)
Layerproperties are available everywhere, everytime, Viewport properties available while inside this Layout&Viewport only .

>>" but the problem is that when i go to layout i never over and over again choose the layer state for each viewport"
>>" in each layout and any change of layer (color, tickness, printable or not, transparency, etc...)"
>>" when i change the layer state all them are LOST FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sorry, but this sounds you should take a beginner lession about LAYER STATES (see my first short explaination above as starter).
If you don't want to change a VP linetype or VP color , untick this restore option.
Or I missunderstand what you mean.
Layer state manager [F1]



>>"The only way to keep them are 2:"
>>"1 - Or i delete all layer states, do the changes i want in layers and then create one by one again."
>>"2 - If i choose each layerstate, perfomance all changes in each layer (in model, not editing anything inside the LAS layer overwrite)"
>>"and then i open the LAS and click in update. After that i need to choose the next layer state, performance the same changes in each layer and update again, is not "only 1 click" as u said."
For what? If you never want to change layer properties (except th VP Freeze one), turn all other option for restore OFF!


>>"because he wanted to go home fast to play Age of Empires,"
Sorry to say, but Bashing based on ignorance down't help.


>>"and it was published without further investigations and tests "
You are expecting another feature than it is / and your last answer clearly shows that you are not yet familiar enough with layers, VP layers and layer states.


>>"and we real users (not you) are paying the price "
May I ask why "I am not"? I am not a real user or I am not paying the price?
I am a real user and I have to use the same software like you.


>>"And it is still alive despite many ppl complain about the same problems in many foruns in many countries"
I am also one who think that Autodesk should add the functionality to link layer status to viewports.
But the problem with layer ON/OFF THAW/FREEZE vs. VP FREEZE would remain,

because it's about the basic function of layers
and it affects 100,000 programs in the world that work with DXF and DWG


>>"because ppl keep defending that is not a bug and we just dont know how to use."
A lot of peaople expecting another feature, but this doesn't mean that Layerstates are faulty or buggy (except one real stupid thing, what we not talked about until now)
It is the true that a lot of, also long time users, not having enough understanding to use the connections and effects for your own benefit.
For example, no hate, but if I am right: You could also read that in your answer, as far as the VP override is concerned.

I like to roll in the dust when I'm wrong, but that's how I'm reading it right now.


>>"It carries a BUG inside,"
Which one?


1. It is not designed to be linked to a viewport - but we all like to have it as feature.


   Note: It is possible to use programming / a tool for such functionality.
 (but think about: There is still the rule that All layers have to be ON&THAW)


2. Layer VP Properties? Sorry, I think it is an user mistake,  you are not familiar enough with this tool, and this is the problem here.
    If I am wrong, let's talk. We don't know each other, so this is just an attempt to interpret your statements correctly,
and of course I could be wrong.

and please, STOP SCREEEEAMING!!!!! thx

LG Sebastian



Message 6 of 15
in reply to: cadffm

"- You have to set all layers to ON and THAW if you want to see there objects anywhere in the file."


This is also not the solution, because i will have organized and visible viewport but i will see every layer turned on in model, and i will need manually turn on/ off a huge amount of layers we work in model without forget anything.

i need to have each one of the combinaitons of layers available in model AND in layout.


That is why layer state works in first plan! to filter the project! to allow us to see each subject of the project separated from each other, but it does not work properly, it happens a dozen of conflicts. PLEASE AUTODESK FIX THE LAYER STATESSSSSSSSSS


When you will stop defend autocad and realize that there is a bug and need to be fixed? It will be benefict for both of us!


I also can find a way to work using dirty strategies like you do, update here, save there, stand up from my chair turn around and give 3 jumps, do the rain dance, sing some voodoo songs... i use some black magic strategies and in the end it works too, otherwise it would be impossible to do the project, but it consumes a huge time! I am working to dodge the bugs of autocad in Layer states.


As you said, Layout cannot be liked in definitive to a layer state, yea, i know that, so lets ask them to change! its a mistake, an error! every single time i need to switch each layout, enter each viewport and choose right layer state again and again each time i will print. And its so bizarre that some viewports dont need to be update, and others need, maybe the viewport never forget the layer state that was choosen in the moment when it was originally created, to be true i am not even interesting in do some tests to comprove it, but is probably...possibly it.


And the lists of errors that you will not be interested in accept are bugs goes on and on.




I added a xref that i want to displayers their layers only in 1 sheet (only in 7-7 СПИС) the others layers states didnt carried the layers of the xref, as you can see below.




I didnt click to add, so the layer state didnt know about the existence of those layers, and i kept checked the box "turn off layers not found in layer state", and autocad even did it, indeeed i went to first viewport, choose the layer state 1-7 Схема УЗ, autocad shows the right layers, i went to the next layout, choosed the right layers state, until the seventh, when i print, the layers of the xref were displayed in ALL SHEETS!!!!!!!!


And then will come an specialist here and tell me it is not a bug.  how much u bet? Man, how much AutoCAD is paying for you do this to me?



@alexandresynth - this post has been edited due to Community Rules & Etiquette violation.

Message 7 of 15
in reply to: cadffm

The situation is the following: You think that autocad does not have a bug in layer state, but its a resource that autocad dont have.


But IS NOT THIS that i am talking about!

I am talking about the resource that we have now, the layer state behavior is erradic from the beggining to end, you click in ok it does not save, it shows it right you blink your eyes and it return to previous state, you change the color of something in xref it does not apply to your main drawning, you delete the xref and upload again you print one time but if you close and open autocad and open again autocad will fool you and it will magically return to previous state, then u need to unload both files from each other, close autocad then open again and load again then it works, the "dont show layers not listed in layer state" does not work, the layers property manager from: Model, viewport and Layer state act like 3 different layer states who dont talk to each other so many conclicts happen among them.


The list goes on and on: The whole layer state/ viewport situation should be reviewed, fixed, re-programmed, re-designed.

The system analitic who tested the program after the programmer finished the code didnt tested it right and didnt tested it full, and a version full of conflicts and bug was released and they nevermore touched that because guys like u defend that is not a bug even when it clearly is.


I am not asking for a new resource, i am asking for them to do the existent resource works.


Another victim of layerstates below: 

Re: Layer states not staying applied - Autodesk Community - Civil 3D

Message 8 of 15

Sorry you're having such a hard time learning how to use layer states and viewport overrides. I've used them extensively since they were first introduced and have a handful of them in each of my template drawings for quick access and couldn't imagine getting by without them.

I use them mostly for viewport overrides which you may be struggling to understand. If a layer color is yellow but set to blue with a viewport override and the layer color is changed to green it will still be blue in the viewport with that viewport override. You seem to be having more issues with viewport overrides than with layer states.

You can remove viewport overrides from selected or all layers in the Layer Manager if you like and once you learn how to use them you won't be able to imagine how to get by without them like most users.


If you have a specific question about how layer states or viewport overrides work we'll gladly answer any questions. As far as "It doesn't work how I expected it to when I did this" there's nothing we can do to help you.


Personally I wish the Restore option to "Turn off layers not found in layer state." was recognised by lisp layer state functions and when selection Layer States from the drop-down but it's nothing I can't live with.

I replaced the drop-down in the Ribbon with other layer functions like the Layer States Manager and added the line

(vl-registry-write (strcat "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" (vlax-product-key) "\\Profiles\\" (getvar "cprofile") "\\Dialogs\\AcLayerApps:LayerStatesManager") "LayerNotFound" "0")

 to make sure layers not found in a layer state are not turned off by default in the Layer States Manager so they'll don't turn off layers not found in the drawing that layer state was created in.

64bit AutoCAD Map & Civil 3D 2023
Architecture Engineering & Construction Collection
Windows 10 Dell i7-12850HX 2.1 Ghz 12GB NVIDIA RTX A3000 12GB Graphics Adapter
Message 9 of 15
in reply to: alexandresynth

@alexandresynth wrote:

...I am not asking for a new resource, i am asking for them to do the existent resource works...

Here are ways to open a support case with Autodesk if you are on subscription to seek out Autodesk Support's help:,Contact%20support,-S...


Message 10 of 15
in reply to: alexandresynth

Hi alexandresynth,


oh darn, I only saw your second post (7#7) and wrote my detailed answer to it. Now I see 6#7 and will initially only refer to post #6


If you like to get the whole reply, tell me - it's ready. Just short for now.


Regardless of what you call the problems or not, your answers show so many problems with understanding layers, layer status and viewports that you really should look into them.

This will not change the AutoCAD program and the desire for more functionality will remain,
but you will have so many fewer problems with the program if you understand how it works.

You write about things that don't work, but which have always worked for me (100%) for 15-20 years and I am sure it is not my fault, but the program's.

You report mysterious things that are very easy to explain, at least as long as no further explanation is given.

I keep coming back to the same point in your explanations:
1. I miss what you miss too.
2. You waste a lot of time unnecessarily because you don't have a proper overview of the connections (viewport overrides).

The question remains whether you are open to dealing with it.


Real user,




Message 11 of 15
in reply to: cadffm


Turn  off layers not found in layer state checked. Autocad seems to understand and dont show



When you print there apprears there


Now is just wait to come a """""Specialist"""" come to say this is my imagination i am the one who is dumb and autocad would never have a bug.

For god sake man stop defending autocad, i am seeking solution for all of us, i will not give you the seal of right answer for you to show in your profile because unless if you are the programmer who project the new versions you cannot solve.

There are about 5 bugs and conflicts around the whole layer state thing, this is just the first of them.


What i am asking for is not even something new, i am asking for autocad make it workd the resources that exist nowardays in autocad and they have bugs and I am the first one to spot them.


@alexandresynth - this post has been edited due to Community Rules & Etiquette violation.


Message 12 of 15

Here comes the bugs related to LayerState:


1 - The checkbox "Turn  off layers not found in layer state" works parcially, it really shows a result in viewport (that is why was approved by the tester before being released, a bad tester didnt tested 100%) but is ignored when you print.

2 - The cronic problem of the "unsaved layer state" that many ppl already reported in different foruns in different countries was probably developed originally to make the viewport a "slave" from that layerstate and not suffer changes when you change the layer state in model, during the development of the project, but some code mistake makes autocad forget the layer state saved in the minimum touch you do in any other command and it returns to "unsaved layer state" it causes every time you will print, you need go to each layout, click twice in each viewport and choose the right layer state before you print.

3 - When you change color, tickness, linetype, etc...except name, the name always change correctly if you change in model, from a layer, it is completelly ignored in layout when you choose the layer state (PS: I am talking about change in model, not the VP color!), when you choose a layer state for the viewport it will bring the color, tickness, linetype, transparency, probalbably the description too, i never tried, that was set when the layerstate was created and ignore any change from that point. Except the name, the name always change properly and correctly following what was made in model. The only solution for you to be free completelly of autocad restore the old layer status (color, linetype, etc...) is if you delete all layer states, save, close autocad, open again, performance all changes in all layers in model and after it create again each layer state.

This bug of layerstate forget the changes made in model and saved in layer state also occours in model, not only inside viewport.


I never performanced changes in VPCOlor or VPLinetype



I also never performance changes inside the edit layer state



Every change is performed directly in model

I use the newest version of AutoCAD 2025 and it is original i can even give the information of my account if someone from technical support contact me.

These bugs are very old, i spot them in 2018, i dont know if is older than that, and i was hoping that in 2019 or newer would be solve, which never been so far.

Message 13 of 15
in reply to: alexandresynth


you didn't shared enough detailed information and no .dwg attached, so we have still to guess some things.

We can not see where are texts placed model/paper or which layer setting are current or stored in the layerstate.



>>"I never performanced changes in VPCOlor or VPLinetype"

Your picture states: They are all overwritten! (the STATUS column states this)

And this fact matchs to the screenshot of your layerstate dialog (the "apply as VP overwrite is turned ON)




>>"And i already told you, remove this Autodesk expert elite member form your signature, it makes no sense you carry it."

<because of a lot of Mod edits in alexandre posts, this part erased now>



Message 14 of 15
in reply to: alexandresynth

@alexandresynth wrote:

.... if someone from technical support contact me.

You have to start that process: open a support case with Autodesk if you are on subscription to seek out Autodesk Support's help:,Contact%20support,-S...



Message 15 of 15


It looks like (in your posted images) your are using an External Reference" (XREF) in your drawing.  When your close a drawing containing an XREF and reopen it, the layers from the XREF will be reset to the saved state of the drawing they are in UNLESS the variable VISRETAIN is set to 1.


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