Hi Alexandresynth,
I've taken time for you again, maybe this thread will end with some benefit for you after all?
>>" Also remove the title of expert in autocad from your signature."
May I ask why? PS: The title is "ExpertElite", not random "Expert",
ExpertElite is a program from AutoDESK: https://expertelite.autodesk.com/overview
>>"Are you an real user of AutoCAD?"
>>"Or u are just a teacher?"
No teacher or something like this, full time user
>>" Send me your project i want to see it,"
Why should I send my company&customers data and for what, perhaps I can set up a sample for you.
>>"because is just IMPOSSIBLE u do a real full architecture project without use the layer states"
1. That's wrong. There are some other solutions instead the native "layer states" (but I know, that wasn't your point)*
I prefer a combination of Layerstates and Scripts/macro or tools.
2. Nobody said you can't or you shouldn't use it.
USE IT! Why not? Works perfect to change a lot of layers by one click.
>>"How will u deal with a million of layers in your face turned on at same time??
One million will not work in Acad, but let's talk about a mass of layers..
You can use Layerstates, Scripts/Tools/Programs, Layerstates are well working too and not a problem.
That doesn't changes what as I said:
- Linking layerstates to a viewport is not possible ootb.
- You have to set all layers to ON and THAW if you want to see there objects anywhere in the file.
For beginners who is not using Viewport-Layeroverrites (except the VP freeze), a short explaination without the problematic cases
like new xref-versions, new Layers and other funny things in the real world, and think about: This is just one possible way, not the only one - just a sample:
1. You need a model basic Layerstate with all layers* on/th {Exception: Layers with object you don't like see, ANYWHERE}
2. Before you record/save a Layout Layerstate, set your model basic Layerstate current
3 Whenever you leave your drawing or you want to plot, restore your basic model state first (also possible to di this automatic)
this way all layouts fine and ready to print, also by publish.
4. Whenever you want to set up a new layout viewport by using a layerstate, set your basic model state first.
5. and set up your restore-process to restore "Visibility in Current VP" ONLY!
All the time between 'set up a viewport' and 'I want plot now', the Layerproperties doesn't matter,
you can use FREEZE and OFF/ON - whatever, like you want and like you need.
That's it.
>>I NEVER changed the overwrite configurations of layer inside the late state, i even think an interesting idea for some occasions but i NEVER used."
And I don't know why you talking about htis, nobody talked about this feature, but okay.
>>All the changed i do are in MODEL"
Model or not Model has nothing to do with Layerproperties - also while in Layouts or inside a Layout viewport
you can change the Layerproperties as you can do it while in modelspace.
Distinguish: ViewPort properties (VP color/ VP Ltype ...) vs. generall layer properties (on/off/freeze/thaw/color/ltype..)
Layerproperties are available everywhere, everytime, Viewport properties available while inside this Layout&Viewport only .
>>" but the problem is that when i go to layout i never over and over again choose the layer state for each viewport"
>>" in each layout and any change of layer (color, tickness, printable or not, transparency, etc...)"
>>" when i change the layer state all them are LOST FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!"
Sorry, but this sounds you should take a beginner lession about LAYER STATES (see my first short explaination above as starter).
If you don't want to change a VP linetype or VP color , untick this restore option.
Or I missunderstand what you mean.
Layer state manager [F1] https://help.autodesk.com/view/ACD/2025/ENU/?guid=GUID-3E0F662B-226F-4A27-B5BB-D15252CC994C
>>"The only way to keep them are 2:"
>>"1 - Or i delete all layer states, do the changes i want in layers and then create one by one again."
>>"2 - If i choose each layerstate, perfomance all changes in each layer (in model, not editing anything inside the LAS layer overwrite)"
>>"and then i open the LAS and click in update. After that i need to choose the next layer state, performance the same changes in each layer and update again, is not "only 1 click" as u said."
For what? If you never want to change layer properties (except th VP Freeze one), turn all other option for restore OFF!
>>"because he wanted to go home fast to play Age of Empires,"
Sorry to say, but Bashing based on ignorance down't help.
>>"and it was published without further investigations and tests "
You are expecting another feature than it is / and your last answer clearly shows that you are not yet familiar enough with layers, VP layers and layer states.
>>"and we real users (not you) are paying the price "
May I ask why "I am not"? I am not a real user or I am not paying the price?
I am a real user and I have to use the same software like you.
>>"And it is still alive despite many ppl complain about the same problems in many foruns in many countries"
I am also one who think that Autodesk should add the functionality to link layer status to viewports.
But the problem with layer ON/OFF THAW/FREEZE vs. VP FREEZE would remain,
because it's about the basic function of layers
and it affects 100,000 programs in the world that work with DXF and DWG
>>"because ppl keep defending that is not a bug and we just dont know how to use."
A lot of peaople expecting another feature, but this doesn't mean that Layerstates are faulty or buggy (except one real stupid thing, what we not talked about until now)
It is the true that a lot of, also long time users, not having enough understanding to use the connections and effects for your own benefit.
For example, no hate, but if I am right: You could also read that in your answer, as far as the VP override is concerned.
I like to roll in the dust when I'm wrong, but that's how I'm reading it right now.
>>"It carries a BUG inside,"
Which one?
1. It is not designed to be linked to a viewport - but we all like to have it as feature.
Note: It is possible to use programming / a tool for such functionality.
(but think about: There is still the rule that All layers have to be ON&THAW)
2. Layer VP Properties? Sorry, I think it is an user mistake, you are not familiar enough with this tool, and this is the problem here.
If I am wrong, let's talk. We don't know each other, so this is just an attempt to interpret your statements correctly,
and of course I could be wrong.
and please, STOP SCREEEEAMING!!!!! thx
LG Sebastian