Nowadays, when importing a Step file, based in an assembly created in other cad package, we have only the chance to import it like a multisolid part.
Most users receive Step Files and the current workflow to open Step files in inventor is very weak.
To really improve interopabilyty it’s better to add several options as:
Import Step Files workflow.
1-Bring it back the availability to import step files as an assembly
2-Rename the solid bodies based in the browser multibodies features (which are the actually the parts when importing a step)
For any workflow
3-In the workspace project folder: have the availability to manually change file’s File Names without loosing assembly links (and drawings, etc)
4-Tool to change File Names based in the Part number, without loosing assembly links (and drawings, etc)
Make a pause in ANYCAD development and really improve interoperability for most users.
Of course you can turn a multisolid part into an assembly easily, using tool Make Components, but the issue is:
the multibody part will maintain the name of the original assembly parts in the browser tree… but in the Solid Bodie’s folder, inventor will name the solid bodies as Solid1, Solid2…etc, therefore, when you use Make Componentsto turn a multisolid in an assembly, you will loose the original names of the parts with this workflow, you will have a nice assembly with parts called Solid1, Solid2, etc.
This is a awful interoperability issue. Imagine to rename undreds of parts, rename parts, and resolve links due that…. Multiply that for undreds of parts…
Why the need of so much work when this info come with step file.
I strongly believe that, for most users, those options have at least the same importance as the AnyCad workflow, In my case have a lot more, since I received Step Files daily and I don’t want to loose track of the original parts name
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