Hello. There are multiple components that need to go somewhere. Some can be moved, others cannot. Depends on the program, specifically. 80% on the C: drive – what program is this exactly? I am certainly curious, as I install on non C: drives with little problem. But I don’t know what program you are looking at…
Some programs cluster. If you are installing a suite using a suite installer, and you have one program in the suite already installed on C: they will all be forced to cluster together on C:.
All AutoCADs and verticals install in the same folder location. If you have AutoCAD installed, Electrical uses the same files.
Honestly, if you have a 100Gig SSD or less as your C: drive- this is really small. It just is. Really small drives will fill quickly and tend to give you space errors. Either because of the temp folders or extract directory.
For people running out of space that are sure they have enough space, you need to worry about your install type, and the various locations.
When running into a special problem, you have to look at the basics:
- Run a “Browser Download” not an “Install now”. This gives you movable install files, put them on a non C drive or USB, whatever
- Empty your temp folder
- Open your system variables and Redirect your Temp folder to a non C: drive
- Run the installer and point the install location to a non C: drive. If there is no prerequisite forcing the install to C: it should install where you direct it
Thanks for the post!
David Dembkoski