Pavement Markings are an Important and Urgent matter when it comes to present preliminary concepts within a transportation project, not to mention when it goes for final design. Infraworks as a platform for PD&E studies, preliminary analysis and conceptual design tool has been way too short on this matter for me and for too long as well. As an example: You can spend all the time necessary to produce a decent graphical representation for an intersection concept improvement, but the tools out of the box make it impossible (as they stand today), to have the different alternatives for pavement markings, other than the tedious and not very presentable workaround of coverage areas, or Civil 3D shape files import into Infraworks Another critical example here: I love how easy it is to check roundabout layouts for ROW impacts and such, bur is not realistic at all when it comes to presenting these concepts to City Engineers, or stakeholders, because pavement markings are a HUGE component of these concepts, stop bars, crosswalks, etc... In order for me to use these concepts I have to go over too many workarounds to make it technically sound to present it to a client, and this defeats the purpose of IW and what the concept Autodesk sale for it. Infraworks should allows to: Control pavement markings within linestyles for lanemarkings with more options (specially color). Be realistic, following the same concept of standards, (for me AASHTO 2011 as a clear example). Stop bars control over intersections, this one is a MUST. Bike lane markings, specially over intersections where crossings and turning of these lanes are present. Storage and turning lanes markings, we can manipulate the geometry of these lanes, but no option to mark them properly? (Same dashed white lane). Crosswalks options, with a couple of ADA markings/signs alternatives to represent specific conditions for this matter. Why intersections have no more styles? Turning lanes markings, islands, safety buffers, etc. These are just a few I can mention, but it will make a great start for us, transportation engineers... I agree with this post as well: by @Anonymous and vy @oriole_phillips Thanks for your support and comments to complement this idea. It is good to know I am not the only one on this boat.
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