Hello, I'm Eva 🙃 First of all I apologize for my English since it's not my first language. Also, I'm from Spain, so I'm talking about the requirements setted for Spain, cause I guess it can vary from one country to another. Second, I just think the eligibility for Maya Indie should be based exclusively on your anual gross renevue from creative work if you're a freelance. Now, I explain myself. I've been on the industry just for 3 years or so and a year ago I became a freelance because reasons and I've been paying the standart license since then. Today a friend of mine told me about Maya Indie (I didn't know about it cause hehe) and I was hopeful for a second until I saw the requirements for eligibility. Cause yeah, I make way less than 100k€ (way less like 25k) but the project I'm working on is valued on more than 100k. So, basically, I'm not eligible. I don't understand how the money my clients makes has anything to do with the eligibility for a license I, as a freelancer have to pay. I'm not going to see any money apart of what my clients pays me per hour. Doesn't make sense to me. Autodesk just make it so hard for freelancers, and I mean, Maya is (usually) not the only thing freelancers have to pay, in my case I still have to pay for other 2 licenses but Maya is still at the top of my expenses just after rent. I like Maya, not because it works fine cause it works like 💩 most of the time but I'm just used to it, it's comfortable for me, I've been using it for years but you guys bill it like it's going to clean my house, walk my dog and make me dinner. As a struggling artist it's really frustrating. Being a freelance is hard but it's even harder like this. Maya is an industry standart and sometimes we're even forced to use it. Honestly, I've been learning Blender just to switch and save that money. If I were eligible for the Indie license I would be happy to pay it and continue using Maya. Two months of the standart one are already more than one year for the Indie one. I'm sorry for the venting but I'm so angry cause I was so hopeful for a second before I was slapped in the face once again by Autodesk 😂 . That's all 👋
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