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Project Browser Graphics - Color Coding

Project Browser Graphics - Color Coding

I would love to see some sort of color coding in the project browser to make it easy to quickly differentiate between sheets, floor plans, families, etc. 

A simple color blocking behind the texts could be of benefit.

Not applicable

IN THE PROJECT BROWSER: When working with hundreds of sheets and views i find myself wasting time on finding the correct view/sheet/family/group, can you assign a color to these? If not this should be an added update, it would save me time and be more visually appealing. So as i scroll through the hundreds of options at fast pace, the colors would give me a cue of where i am dus saving me time.


В Диспетчере проектов: При работе с сотнями листов и видов я трачу время на поиск нужного вида / листа / семейства / группы, вы можете позволить индексировать цветами эти компоненты?
Это обновление позволит сэкономить время при поиске и добавит визуальной привлекательности. Так как я прокручиваю сотни позиций в быстром темпе, то цветовое кодирование даст мне ввозможность здорово сэкономить время.

We glad to see activity from nonrussian speaking users in our section. I made translation, that russian users can suuport yours idea. Thank you for your participation.


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I voted for this idea. IMHO it would be a simple way to see quickly where I am ... Another possibility would be to create a separate family browser, a separate plan browser  etc. ... 


IN "revit" the Project Browser Please Please Please give us a option to highlight in any color the text so its easier to find drawings like floors plans you duplicated or 3d models , sometimes i only use 2-3 views all duplicated a section a 3d and a plan , id highlight them so they are easy to find .





Steve Mercer

Revit Tech

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Not applicable

If you are using this limited number of views regularly, you could sort your project browser by a parameter you create so the views you commonly use are together, sort of like a favourites folder.


This would be nice but i think there are alot of things that needs some love first. 😞


Try what @Anonymous mentioned.


We use our own "Browser Organization Properties" for the "Project Browser" too. We created two parameters like ... orga 1 and orga 2 and then we set up the filter by these parameters. So you can sort everything the way you and your office want it. Attantion... its project based.




1. Creat 1-3 Parameters for organisation in the categorie "views"

2. Right mousclick in the project browser on "Views (all)"

3. Browser Organisation

4. New and name it

5. Put the created parameters in the filter options

6. Change the sorting if you want


perfect 🙂



Not applicable

The project browser, even when managed well can be an endless list of words. To help improve coordination/ ability to find stuff and to help structure workflow can you please add the ability to colour the text shown in the Project Browser. Views or sheets where working is still to be completed can be coloured which quickly identifies where work is needed when multiple users are accessing shared project files. It also adds another layer of filtering and structure to the views so this can help coordinate things better. This should be a simple add so I look forward to seeing this in 2018 release.


It would be valuable to be able to use conditional formatting or filters to color the project browser too.



Not applicable

When I have my view up on my screen, I would like to see the main folder in the browser go bold to indicate where my view in hiding.


it is a great idea to have color coded project browser.

Not applicable

Yes, I think, the color coded backgrounds within the project browser does have its merits and would be a welcome addition to future versions and/or update to current 2016 release.

Community Visitor

This is a fantastic idea!


Hello from Spain,

It would be a great improvement the ability to create a filter in the project browser, but not only for viewing or not some views.
I'm thinking about applying diferent colors, fonts,... based in rules and filters in order to make the project browser operation easier.



Community Manager
Thanks for taking the time to submit your idea. Unfortunately, this idea did not get the support of the community over the last 6 months and as such we will not be pursuing it at this time. Please feel free to rework (titles and clear descriptions are really important) and resubmit this one down the road.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived

Colored text should be allowed in Project Browser for phases, worksets, various disciplines, users, shared elements and other categories for better visual mapping of the entire project. We don't need a Xmas tree, just basic coloring schemes, like in Excel tables.

This would be really helpful! Even a colour fill background behind the text - like the way you can colour layers in photoshop
Not applicable

Absolutely, Like in Photoshop layers!

Not applicable

It's hard to scan through all the drawings, sheets, families, and groups in a large project; why do we have to work in black and white? Why not let us colourize the text names in the Project Browser so our floor plans stand out from our elevations or sections, or sheets for quick navigation? Give us the capability to use a colour scheme along with our browser organization options!

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