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Make parameters and other revit data insertable in text notes

Make parameters and other revit data insertable in text notes

I have been thinking about this for quite some time. I think we need to be able to insert global parameters and other revit things seemlessly into text notes. For instance, in the attached elevation, the underlined portion should be parametric. Meaning if that detail moves, the text updates. This should be possible with a bit of syntax that is visible when editing the text note. 

But this isn't just for view references. Global parameters should also be able to be used in text in this way. For instance, "The building is located in climate zone 5." With 5 being the parameter. Hope this makes sense.


Programmable view reference text.PNG


Yes same idea. Upvoted.


I think a useful tool would be the ability to use parameters in text blocks.  For example, if I wanted to write a note line "Refer to drawings E00 for more information."  the E00 would reference the actual parameter for sheet E00.  So if later I renumber the sheets and E00 becomes E10, then the note automatically updates.  


Ideally, this feature could be used for more than just sheets but for panel schedules (you could make single lines using this tool alone) and any other design elements.  Some people like to refer to Revit as a database that expresses itself in 3D but we need it to be able to express itself in 2D as well so we can pull design data out of the model.


This is very similar to how ACAD lets you insert a "field" that is linked to the sheet set manager.


The View Reference tool will do what you want to reference a detail & sheet number. Just add the text as suffix / prefix to get it to display they way you want.





I do agree that it would be great to have the ability to add parameters to text, we could then reference materials, keynotes, dimensions, tags, etc... and have them automatically update if functioning similar to a reporting parameter or potentially feed information back into the database


Suggested this in my idea here as a comment: multi-line text parameter formatting options - Autodesk Community


Variations of this idea keep coming up. Sadly to no outcome. It may be completely counter AD policies and contradicting the Revit being not CAD approach. Would love to see this implemented. Even better if it were retro fitted into older Revit versions.


Add parameter to a text element. Have it update with parameter.

On sheets you often need to reference object parameters. Right now there doesn't seem to be any way to do that.


For example, insert text that: "Wall has U-Value of {wall-u-value-parameter}"

@DanielKP2Z9V : Do you mean something like Fields in Autocad ? Like Total Length of rebar/road/fence etc = {LengthField} ? It would be awesome. I used to use that to display the total length of rebars on rebar bending details.


@victor_vijeuKD42L yes, that sounds right

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