I speak of all such Inventor Browser ( https://help.autodesk.com/view/INVNTOR/2024/ENU/?guid=GUID-EDF6B951-C309-44A8-868C-B72D99F6D5A7 ) tabs, but I'll use "Model Browser" as a specific example for descriptive purposes, here. I also am recommending this for Part, Assembly, Drawing environments, all environments where browsers exist. Users have requested that they be able to COLLAPSE the Model Browser to the side. This behavior is very common in many applications including other Autodesk software, so I believe it's understood when I suggest collapsing them. The included screenshot includes the existing state of my own Inventor window as well as a mockup showing what I am asking for. The collapsing behavior would be akin to the difference in the Ribbon Display when it is set to either "Show Full Ribbon" setting (which is analogous to the current Model Browser display) or the "Minimize to Tabs" setting which is analogous to what I request. Minimized/Collapsed tabs of the Inventor Browser, such as "Model" or "Vault" could be clicked on or hovered over, at which point they would temporarily show expanded, until the mouse leaves that area at which point the Browser would return to being collapsed/minimized. I expect there would need to be a button added next to the "Search" or "Display" icons on the Inventor Browser title bar, to Collapse or Expand, depending on current state, which would toggle the display. The details of how this is implemented is up to the UI/UX team, of course, but that's the general behavior I would expect & we are requesting. Reference Image:
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