Walls have some kind of framing (unless they're concrete and/or block). So why does Revit not include framing in the walls?
Allow us to specify the
- top & bottom plate sizes
- stud size & spacing
- what size header is needed (this would probably need to be some kind of formula: Opening< 5 = 2 x 6, Opening< 0, 2 x 8 etc.
- how should the top/bottom plates tie together at the corners.
Allow us to override the framing members if needed (like we can with trusses).
- We should be able to tell a roof to place a specific truss at a specific spacing. The roof would need to have "regions" one region might use a truss while another region might need rafters/joists.
- We should be able to tell a floor to place a specific floor joist at a specific spacing. As with the wall, it would need instructions for dealing with openings (i.e. stairs) so that it can place the required headers. There'd have to be a way to enter a maximum joist length and a required overlap length. Revit would need to place two joists sistered together if the floor were to require a longer joist. We would need to be able to manually move the location of the overlap so long as both joists stay within the length tolerance. Then we could place a beam and any required posts under the overlap ourselves (I'm not suggesting that should be automated too).
This would help with creating a correct model and with the process of generating accurate sections.