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January 2022 Product Update - Improvements, Known Issues, and Fixes

Message 1 of 13
5631 Views, 12 Replies

January 2022 Product Update - Improvements, Known Issues, and Fixes

Improvements and Fixes 



  • bseibenick and others have reported a crash issue where upon opening some files, Fusion 360 would crash without even showing a CER after the fact. We quickly got to the bottom of this and found that it had something to do with the default parameters. This is now fixed and your files shouldn’t cause any more crashes.  
  • We also fixed a crash issue that was occurring when you tried to save a design and then immediately returned to the home tab. 
  • Apparently Driven Dimensions were inexplicably getting lost when a Recompute happens. We found the bug that was causing this issue and now Driven Dimensions will work as expected.




sent-hilmikefischer99jpetriccusame.yilmaz.27, and dissimilar all have told us about an issue where Sketch-on-the-fly dimensions did not properly consume named user parameters as they should. Now they do and the issue has been fixed. Thank you all for reporting this issue. 


We fixed an issue where it seemed like navigation using touch on Windows machines was broken. Instead of orbiting, Fusion 360 turned your touch gestures into selections. This is now fixed. 






SpaceMouse SDK (changes for Windows only) - Added support for disabling the "sketch lock" functionality 

We greatly appreciated everyone's feedback in testing the latest SDK for 3Dconnexion's SpaceMouse hardware. Some of you requested the ability to disable the sketch plane lock functionality introduced in newer SpaceMouse drivers, activated with each new 2D sketch. We have worked with 3Dconnexion to support an option in the SpaceMouse drivers to disable this functionality. This preference will be configurable from the SpaceMouse driver UI once version 10.8.5 is released. From the 3Dconnexion Settings app, select Advanced Settings, switch to the tab "Rotation Center," and uncheck "Sketch Lock." 


Fixed support for legacy devices 

A number of our users are still utilizing discontinued hardware (e.g. SpaceExplorer) that is no longer supported by the latest SpaceMouse drivers nor newer SDKs. In case you missed it, our December release added a general preference called "SpaceMouse driver" to toggle between Latest and Legacy hardware support. Please note that Legacy support does not include newer features such as Lock Horizon, as these require the latest drivers. 

Screenshot of the driver option for Sketch Lock: 



Capture Position options renamed 

brooknorton1 told us about how confused he was when the Capture Position dialog popped up and showed the option of reverting the position back to where it was initially as "Continue". This wording is definitely confusing, so we’ve renamed it to “Revert Position”.  



File Open and Close Performance 

Apparently, using the File > Open method of opening some large assemblies took a long time. Related to this, closeing certain documents can also take forever. After tweaking the engine, we’re happy to report that File > Open for large assemblies have noticeably improved by ~45-50%, whereas closing previously unclose-able documents now take around roughly 2 minutes.  



  • Some of you working on touch-enable machines told us that touch input to the Canvas was lost when the High DPI scaling preview was enabled. Sorry about that - Windows touchscreen input should once again be able to interact with command inputs and canvas controls. If you were accustomed to touch input controlling camera Orbit, this is still possible by toggling the Orbit command in the Navigation Bar. 
  • We made it possible to recover any edits to read-only files, as well in case of a crash. 
  • Previously when you are in an assembly and you right-click on a feature in the timeline, say a joint, nothing happened in the window. Now running this command will zoom in on that feature so that you can view and edit it. 
  • Some of you found that when clicking on a feature of your model, such as an edge or fillet, the dimensions in the bottom right corner did not appear like they used to. Also, the "In Product Chat Support" icon disappeared as you tried to click and get dimension info. These issues have been fixed. 
  • We fixed a few crashes issues regarding export of USDZ file formats.  
  • wsmoy's post about how the Inspection > Measure tool ignores initial selection is fixed. 
  • jpalley's post about not being able to assign a physical material to a body from within an Edit-in-Place workflow has been resolved. The "Physical Material" command is now available in EIP mode and it is working as expected. 






Mesh known issue: The new Organic method within the “Convert Mesh” feature does not work on MAC versions of Fusion 360 when the “Operation” type is set to “Base feature”. Until a fix can be released MAC users will be limited to the “Parametric” operation when using the “Organic” method. 






Interface improvement when generating 3D model of circuit board  


Fusion 360 provides the designer with the flexibility to preview or edit the PCB design in a 3D model environment. Many of you have reported that this view has helped you inspect and improve the PCB layout. There are three options when generating the 3D model of your PCB, and the new interface makes it easier to access all of them. 

  • 3D PCB with Canvas: Copper traces are represented as simple artwork on canvases for faster rendering. 
  • Stop Layer Geometry: Create a 3D rendering of the board’s solder mask, so pads, holes and other surface shapes are precisely created. 
  • Re-associate derived outline: If the board was derived from a sketch, this option breaks the link to the original sketch. 
  • If no option is selected, it will default to the 3D PCB view 


Improved interface for NET and PIN breakout commands 


Defining connections in the schematic can be a tedious task, so implementing tools to streamline this process is always good to highlight. You may have noticed from the context menu that you have multiple options to break out NETs, Component Pins or Buses. In this latest update, you will notice that these options are now available in the schematic/connect toolbar. 


Improved access to edit PCB outline in the Fusion 360 workspace 

keqingsong_4-1642555870531.pngFusion 360 provides the most desirable electromechanical workflow ever available, and it continues to get better with every update. As the mechanical engineer optimizes the product enclosure geometry, the PCB designer will be alerted and have the option to adopt the latest updates. In this update, our team of developers has made it easier for you to make changes to the PCB profile by selecting the Edit Board option available in the Edit In Place environment. Making it easier for the Mechanical Designer to make changes to the PCB, such as selecting a different sketch for designs that require different outline sizes.  




Thread Notes now recognize threads placed on non-holes 




If you’ve applied threads to non-hole geometry (hole made from a sketch instead of the Hole tool), the Thread Notes tool will now recognize those threads, enabling you to create the desired thread notes with a variety of threads and holes.  

Learn more about thread notes. 



  • We fixed an issue where Fusion crashed during exporting DXF file from specific drawing sheet.  

    greenveg and Sebastian_Sewerynh have both reported on an issue where The balloon locations on a drawing were unexpectely changed after they performed a suppress/unsuppress action or a “get latest” operation. This is now fixed and those balloons will no longer jump around anymore.  

  • Some of you have reported that when you made a new drawing in size A Portrait (8.5" x 11"), the TITLE_1 field no longer compressed to fit when the text was too long for the title block. This worked previously and continues to work correctly for other page sizes, including size A Landscape (11" x 8.5").  

  • Apparently when you were using a template that contained a parts list, right-clicking to "Add Sheet" did not actually add a sheet. This is now fixed. 

  • We fixed an issue that was causing the parts list in the drawing created from template to not follow the parts list column widths set in the template. Now it does as expected.  

  • You told us that you were not able to delete the text added for custom attributes in title block. Sorry about that, this is now fixed and you’re able to delete them without issues.  

Generative Design  


Structural Component Study - Experimental Solvers and Features Preview refinements 
Preferences > Preview Features > Generative Design > Experimental Solvers and Features 

As our preview solver technology has continued to mature, we are refining the behavior of the Experimental Solvers and Features preview. Now, when this preview is turned on, the Alternative Outcomes checkbox in the Study Settings will be on by default. As a result, a study that does not contain any of our preview functionality will now produce an additional outcome. In addition, we have also simplified the number of outcomes produced by this preview in all scenarios, simplifying the overall experience of this preview. We are excited about the improvements in this new solver technology and what it enables us to bring to market in the future. We look forward to hearing how you like these new outcomes.  




Learn more about Experimental solver technologies for generating outcomes. 


Injection Molding materials database has been updated 
Simulation Workspace > New Study > Injection Molding Simulation > Study Materials 


We have updated the material database for the Injection Molding Simulation Study. This update includes the addition of new materials that were tested in our laboratories, modification of existing materials with updated material properties and deletion of materials that are going to be discontinued by material suppliers.  

Users will be shown appropriate messaging in their Fusion 360 User Interface with regards to the material database update. If a user had created or solved a study with a material that has been deleted in the database, they can continue to use that material for the same study. 

If a user had set a default material that has now been deleted, then the user’s default material will be reset to the system default material until they pick a new default material for their Injection Molding Study. 

Following are the latest statistics of the material database - 

Total number of material suppliers: 584 
Total number of materials: 12116 


Improved Error Handling for Failed Solves 
Simulation Workspace > New Study > Injection Molding Simulation > Solve Details 


Based on your feedback, we implemented an improved error handling for failed Injection Molding Simulation Studies in the Solve Details dialog box. You will now see better Error messaging for their Injection Molding Simulation Study when their simulation fails. It will include detailed information on the stage at which it failed, the possible cause of failure and the possible actions the user can take. 



  • We fixed ryoichiUR6NW's report of a strange behavior he found in a meshing operation for one of his simulation workflows. Now the meshing succeeds for all user languages on WIndows and macOS. 
  • We had a hiccup with Air Convection for Electronic Cooling Simulation where if you used Fusion 360 with Japanese and gravity is on, air convection did not work. If we changed the User Language in Preferences to English, air convection worked. This is now fixed. 




  • Thanks to one of our Japanese users reporting this issue, we fixed possible duplicated passes from slicer, which caused gouging pocket toolpath. 
  • Based on HughesTooling's post about asking for J style for boring bars, we have successfully added the ability to create J type turning boring bars in the tool library. 
  • Based on tgford58's post about how he wasn’t able to generate a toolpath for lathe on a dished front feature, we were able to add the ability to create a Q type general turning holder with both end and side relief angles. 
  • Reported by HughesTooling: we fixed an issue with certain turning profile finishing operations with multiple passes, where part of the final pass was being trimmed, leaving material on the finished part.  
  • We also fixed an issue with turning profile finishing operations where direction was set to back to front where the lead ins were not generated as expected. 
  • After looking at omamed's post about how 2D Profile (Cutting) toolpath failed on closed contour unless Lead-In/Out moves were disabled, the geometry and toolpaths with arcs and lead-ins/outs are now better supported in the 2D Profile operations. It will compute properly now. 
  • michaelkiwi49' posted that the operation "Slot" was prone to failure and it seemed the best (and only) workaround was to play with Tool Orientation or Setup orientation. Now the toolpath successfully generates with no issues.  
  • We fixed possible toolpath calculation failure in Slot strategy which produced "Invalid Contours" error. 
  • We improved stability of the Slot strategy so it recognizes more slots and output valid toolpath. 
  • We fixed an issue with certain turning profile rest roughing toolpaths where the tool was not retracting through the specified retract distance between cutting passes. 
  • bdhowey's post about how Fusion 360’s engraving workflow wouldn’t engrave a contour selection has now been fixed.  
  • We fixed an issue with certain ID turning profile roughing operations where the tool was doing a diagonal rapid move at the end of the toolpath. 
  • We’ve Added "polygon corner" to bar supports in SLA printing when you select "custom solid bar". 

Keqing Song
Autodesk Fusion Community Manager
Portland, Oregon, USA

Become an Autodesk Fusion Insider

Message 2 of 13

Good day!


Offset Face command is not fixed. I will update the forum post with new files.

Message 3 of 13

Looking at the update announcement, it's not clear to me if the Simulation workspace (that I can still access) is now an additional paid extension. Is the original builtin capability going to be removed or does the extension add some capability beyond what was offered before?
Message 4 of 13

You keep your access to the Simulation workspace. Some of the study types in the Simulation  workspace require cloud credits and some don't. The ones that do has a cloud icon on their thumbnails. 


Screen Shot 2022-01-21 at 1.40.06 PM.png

The Simulation Extension subscription gives you unlimited cloud solves for the duration of your extension subscriptions. If you end your extension subscription, you'll be back to spending cloud credits for each cloud solve. 


Screen Shot 2022-01-21 at 1.43.16 PM.png


Does that answer your question?


Keqing Song
Autodesk Fusion Community Manager
Portland, Oregon, USA

Become an Autodesk Fusion Insider

Message 5 of 13

Yes.  Thanks!

Message 6 of 13
in reply to: keqingsong

Still the issue caused by the last update is not fixed. I was told it is a known reported issue.

Any tool path no longer generates in windows 7 environment. I know its end of life support, but Many places (specially manufacturing environments still run windows 7 because of the other hardware that requires that) so please take a look at that. Fusion now throws internal cam kernel error at tool path generation.

Message 7 of 13
in reply to: keqingsong

Still the issue caused by the last update is not fixed. Machine simulation have problem!


Message 8 of 13
in reply to: harindugamlath



I can also confirm the CAM kernel error has just started occurring on Windows 7 (manufacturing PCs with extended support until 2023) - this was working well up until a week ago. 


If I try to regenerate previous CAM programs they also give the generic same error ("Internal CAM error - contact support"), so all CAM ability through Fusion 360 has ceased.


I also understand W7 is out of support (from Autodesk) so this is a grey area, but I would be very appreciated if this could be looked at.


Thank you.

Message 9 of 13
in reply to: nrw9CFZZ

I really went very far with this issue and trying to downgrade with package managers. If someone had saved a copy of the installer package (not the provided installer)  i truly think we can downgrade and keep it from updating until a fixed version rolls out. But there was no nothing I could find.

So we'll have to wait until they fix the issue. Or tell us what really causes this so we can try to find a workaround.

For some reason people don't understand that production plants has to run some equipment like this all the time.


What I did was install win 10 LTSC to a separate SSD and boot from that.  we cannot use fusion on 7 until they fix the issue or tell us what is causing this.

Message 10 of 13
in reply to: keqingsong

So, still no fast render option?

Snimka zaslona 2022-02-02 175731.jpg

At lest you should be so open to say, yes we want your money and there's no more free offline render.

Zdenko Kozar
Education and tech support manager
PRIOR inženjering d.o.o.
Message 11 of 13
in reply to: ZdenkoKozar

Please don't encourage them to punish casual hobby users like myself.
Message 12 of 13
in reply to: nrw9CFZZ

Same here,

I know that we had this coming for some time, but an option to temporarily opt-out of updates, in order to get organized and make an orderly move to upgrade from W7 would be appreciated.

Thank you

Message 13 of 13

Yeah re Win7:


Even though it has always been the case that production requires a completely stable set-up, Microsoft, at last, recognizes these kinds of use cases with the LTSC program, see e.g.:  


e.g. "designed for .... use cases where the key requirement is that functionality and features don’t change over time. Examples include medical systems (such as those used for MRI and CAT scans), industrial process controllers, and air traffic control devices. These devices share characteristics of embedded systems: they are typically designed for a specific purpose and are developed, tested, and certified before use. They are treated as a whole system and are, therefore, commonly “upgraded” by building and validating a new system, turning off the old device, and replacing it with the new, certified device."


Autodesk probably has a higher percentage of customers with production set-ups than Microsoft.


So, it is silly for Autodesk to ignore this kind of use case. Just enable the ability to install a particular build and freezing of the software updates at any point and that takes care of most of the requirement.



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