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This one is pretty simple but could come in handy. Just add a counter at the bottom of the View/Sheet Set dialog to show how many views and sheets are currently selected in the dialog.
Yes, that would be really useful. ...simple, but useful!
FWIW, I also really like D Plumb's idea linked above.
And not to hijack the thread further, but as long as dialog box is being addressed, it is rather bothersome and a mild impediment to efficiency that the Views selection box is enabled by default and re-enables every single time the view/sheet set selection dialog box is opened. 99.9% of the time I'm printing sheets and not views. I have to de-select this box almost every time that I open this box. Please set this to retain the user's last selection choice.
but yes, add a selection counter to the dialog box as suggested by Casquatch above. That'd be great.
I think the whole plotting process needs a bit of an overhaul in general. There are many other plot dialog/batch printing Ideas out there that need some up-votes for sure!
@tony.crawford Revit 2023 actually made it worse! Now it takes FIVE clicks to hide Views (isolate Sheets) instead of just ONE! (includes an extra click to uncheck "Hide un-checked views/sheets" which gets checked by default as soon as you select anything...) So I made an idea here: