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remember Display Filter settings for Print / Export PDF (Select Views/Sheets dialog)

remember Display Filter settings for Print / Export PDF (Select Views/Sheets dialog)

It's nice that we can change the Print/PDF order of sheets without having to use invisible characters to adjust the sort order. However, it now takes FIVE clicks to isolate Sheets (used to take just ONE click)!


Revit 2023:

  1. click the "<multiple>" ("Display Filter" pull-down)
  2. click to uncheck "2D Views"
  3. click to uncheck "3D Views"
  4. click outside of the pull-down to close it
  5. click to uncheck "Hide un-checked views/sheets" (which gets checked by default whenever there's anything selected - so the only time it takes 4 clicks instead of 5 is on a new project)

Previous Revit:

  1. click to uncheck "Views"

Don't get me wrong - I'm all for new features, and while I can't imagine ever needing to differentiate between 2D & 3D views when printing, there may be some that DO. However, it should remember MY preferences. This was ALWAYS a problem, as we usually double-check the sheet list for added sheets (since the last plot), but in the past it only cost us ONE extra click (not counting the one to open the dialog in the first place).


Please give us a setting that persists across Revit sessions (like the "CategoryDisciplineFilter" setting in Revit.ini)!


The "Hide un-checked views/sheets" setting could be a separate variable, or just another bit on the same Display Filter setting.


R2023vsR2020 - Print Display Filter clicks comparison to isolate Sheets.png


@lionel.kai thanks for submitting this, I hope it gets plenty of votes.



Also on the main PDF Export dialog, I think it would be beneficial if;

  • the actual "printed file name" is retained if you need to reprint your files again, and not revert to the "revit file name"
  • A default path set for PDF exports under the options for file locations

PDF Export Settings.jpg


Printer dialogue 

  • The path was set by the pdf print.
  • The print file name was retained from the previous printed file.


PDF Print.jpg


As far as path goes, for us it would be nice to save it per-project (so it would be easier to save it in the project folder).


Also, and more importantly, I've discovered that it gives you NO indication that there is a custom order (for sorting). For example, I just added sheets and they got added at the end for some reason - if you aren't paying attention, your set will be in the wrong order! Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for the new custom sorting capabilities, but the implementation is atrocious! Most of our projects just need default ascending sorting, and now it takes another 4 clicks to reset the sorting:

  1. click "Edit print order"
  2. select "Sheet Number (Ascending)"
  3. click "OK" (there's no DNSM on the warning dialog)
  4. click "OK"

@lionel.kai Maybe the path could be picked up by the file name location as the first option, I'm sure that would work for most offices.

I use a dedicated plot folder for all my Revit files but your suggestion would work as a better solution as long as it can automatically pick up the project folder.



Does not retain the check boxes every time making a pdf packet in display filter drop down, it resets. Help if it would retain the chosen options previously. 

Status changed to: Accepted

Congrats! We think this is a great idea, so we've decided to add it to our roadmap. Thanks for the suggestion!


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