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Export a 3D view to a new model

Export a 3D view to a new model

In this day and age, I do not see why this is still not possible. 


There is a wonky work around where you can drop a 3D view on a sheet and export the sheet, but all the model geometry still comes with it, it's just hidden. If you make a new 3D view, you can see everything.  I know there is Share view (Not a model) and Data exchange (Tied to original model for updates) but there is still a need in our industry to peel off portions of the model to hand off to other people.  Doing a save as and trying to delete everything takes way too much time and gives the risk of human error leaving something behind or accidentally deleting too much and having to start over.  Why can't Export 3D View just be a thing inside of Revit next to all the other export options?


Charles Berteaux Iv
BIM360 + ACC Guru / Revit Guru
Autodesk Expert Elite
Autodesk Certified Professional

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I agree.  When we share models we have to duplicate them and clean out all the working bits.  Its inefficient.


I think it is assumed that this kind of situations are dealt with View Templates. 
+ Creating a new 3D View Template and adjusting it accoriding to your needs, then transfering this template to other models.



- However when you do a 3D view Template in one model, and transfer it to another it does not pertain setting for "Imported Categories" and other Links. 

- Also, if you want to hide certain eleemnts, you would have to use certain parameters and the filter them out with Filters.

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