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Command Line to search for any command exists.

Command Line to search for any command exists.

Sometimes it is time consuming to search any specific command button in Revit UI.

When I simply know the command name from other places like from a tutorial but forgot the location of that button in UI and I need to search for it in every TAB probably! But as I could remember the command name only, by typing it in command line like Rhino, ACAD, easily will chock out.

Sometimes it will be useful if any command that I thought off is available yet in Revit.


You can find a complete list of all Revit commands in the Keyboard Shortcut dialog

And you can use my favorite Keyboard Shortcut KS to get into the Keyboard Shortcuts


There is a command line add-in for Revit (free). You can download Revit Tools - see (the add-in is commercial but that specific function works even after the Trial license expires).



Thanks @dplumb_BWBR  and @vladimir_michl  for your reply but the question is, which would be better?

Keyboard shortcuts will probably need manual search for the specific command and the add in could have version issues while a bit confusion if it could truly dig down the Revit API for all its inherent commands?

I would prefer in built command line in Revit UI like Autocad.


I would like this too, when working a lot with Rhino.Inside the command line for Rhino and the search box in Grasshopper become second nature. A command line that I want is nothing more than a command that I can invoke to search through commands for the more obscure ones that I don't want to hunt in the interface.





I've been using Camillion's command line plugin for that, but I admit that it is a bit clunky to run and cumbersome to install (it does work though) - I've created a a script to invoke commands from my own dll, but I imagine that this could be easily extended to invoke any revit command - will have a look now... 


UPDATE: got it pastebin




I will try to publish this and other utilities in proper open-source fashion

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