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Can't call the function to get the tight bounding box

Message 1 of 12
1063 Views, 11 Replies

Can't call the function to get the tight bounding box

Dear Experts,


Please help me to fix the problem, I can't call the function to get the tight bounding box by VBA.Net. I'm using the Microsoft studio to coding. 





How can I fix this problem?


Thank you so much.


Ngoc Son

Inventor's user


Ngoc Son
Autodesk User
Message 2 of 12

How does the function look like?


Arthur Knoors

Autodesk Affiliations:

Autodesk Software:Inventor Professional 2024 | Vault Professional 2022 | Autocad Mechanical 2022
Programming Skills:Vba | (Add ins Vault / Inventor, Applications) | I-logic
Programming Examples:Drawing List!|Toggle Drawing Sheet!|Workplane Resize!|Drawing View Locker!|Multi Sheet to Mono Sheet!|Drawing Weld Symbols!|Drawing View Label Align!|Open From Balloon!|Model State Lock!
Posts and Ideas:Dimension Component!|Partlist Export!|Derive I-properties!|Vault Prompts Via API!|Vault Handbook/Manual!|Drawing Toggle Sheets!|Vault Defer Update!

! For administrative reasons, please mark a "Solution as solved" when the issue is solved !

Message 3 of 12

It looks like:


Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Inventor


Public Class Form1

Dim invApp As Inventor.Application
Dim partDoc As Inventor.PartDocument

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

invApp = Marshal.GetActiveObject("Inventor.Application")

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

partDoc = invApp.ActiveDocument

Dim body As SurfaceBody
body = invApp.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kPartBodyFilter, "Select the body.")


Dim bndBox As Box = calculateTightBoundingBox(body)

Dim sk As Sketch3D = partDoc.ComponentDefinition.Sketches3D.Add()

Dim lines As SketchLines3D = sk.SketchLines3D

Dim tg As TransientGeometry = invApp.TransientGeometry

Dim minXYZ As Point = bndBox.MinPoint

Dim minXYmaxZ As Point = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MinPoint.X, bndBox.MinPoint.Y, bndBox.MaxPoint.Z)
Dim minXmaxYZ As Point = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MinPoint.X, bndBox.MaxPoint.Y, bndBox.MaxPoint.Z)
Dim minXZmaxY As Point = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MinPoint.X, bndBox.MaxPoint.Y, bndBox.MinPoint.Z)


Dim maxXYZ As Point = bndBox.MaxPoint
Dim maxXYminZ As Point = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MaxPoint.X, bndBox.MaxPoint.Y, bndBox.MinPoint.Z)
Dim maxXZminY As Point = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MaxPoint.X, bndBox.MinPoint.Y, bndBox.MaxPoint.Z)
Dim maxXminYZ As Point = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MaxPoint.X, bndBox.MinPoint.Y, bndBox.MinPoint.Z)


lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYZ, minXYmaxZ)
lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYZ, minXZmaxY)
lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXZmaxY, minXmaxYZ)
lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYmaxZ, minXmaxYZ)


lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXYZ, maxXYminZ)
lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXYZ, maxXZminY)
lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXYminZ, maxXminYZ)
lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXZminY, maxXminYZ)


lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYZ, maxXminYZ)
lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYmaxZ, maxXZminY)
lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXmaxYZ, maxXYZ)
lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXZmaxY, maxXYminZ)

End Sub

End Class

Ngoc Son
Autodesk User
Message 4 of 12

I mean how does the function or module "calculateTightBoundingBox" look like


Arthur Knoors

Autodesk Affiliations:

Autodesk Software:Inventor Professional 2024 | Vault Professional 2022 | Autocad Mechanical 2022
Programming Skills:Vba | (Add ins Vault / Inventor, Applications) | I-logic
Programming Examples:Drawing List!|Toggle Drawing Sheet!|Workplane Resize!|Drawing View Locker!|Multi Sheet to Mono Sheet!|Drawing Weld Symbols!|Drawing View Label Align!|Open From Balloon!|Model State Lock!
Posts and Ideas:Dimension Component!|Partlist Export!|Derive I-properties!|Vault Prompts Via API!|Vault Handbook/Manual!|Drawing Toggle Sheets!|Vault Defer Update!

! For administrative reasons, please mark a "Solution as solved" when the issue is solved !

Message 5 of 12

use this instead because you function is missing...


Public Sub TestTightBoundingBox()
    Dim invApp As Inventor.Application = GetObject(, "Inventor.Application")
    ' Have a body selected.
    Dim body As SurfaceBody
    body = invApp.CommandManager.Pick(SelectionFilterEnum.kPartBodyFilter, "Select the body.")

    ' Call the function to get the tight bounding box.
    Dim bndBox As Box = calculateTightBoundingBox(body)

    ' Draw the bounding box using a 3D sketch.
    Dim partDoc As PartDocument = invApp.ActiveDocument
    Dim sk As Sketch3D = partDoc.ComponentDefinition.Sketches3D.Add()
    Dim lines As SketchLines3D = sk.SketchLines3D

    Dim tg As TransientGeometry = invApp.TransientGeometry

    Dim minXYZ As Point = bndBox.MinPoint
    Dim minXYmaxZ As Point = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MinPoint.X, bndBox.MinPoint.Y, bndBox.MaxPoint.Z)
    Dim minXmaxYZ As Point = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MinPoint.X, bndBox.MaxPoint.Y, bndBox.MaxPoint.Z)
    Dim minXZmaxY As Point = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MinPoint.X, bndBox.MaxPoint.Y, bndBox.MinPoint.Z)

    Dim maxXYZ As Point = bndBox.MaxPoint
    Dim maxXYminZ As Point = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MaxPoint.X, bndBox.MaxPoint.Y, bndBox.MinPoint.Z)
    Dim maxXZminY As Point = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MaxPoint.X, bndBox.MinPoint.Y, bndBox.MaxPoint.Z)
    Dim maxXminYZ As Point = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MaxPoint.X, bndBox.MinPoint.Y, bndBox.MinPoint.Z)

    lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYZ, minXYmaxZ)
    lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYZ, minXZmaxY)
    lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXZmaxY, minXmaxYZ)
    lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYmaxZ, minXmaxYZ)

    lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXYZ, maxXYminZ)
    lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXYZ, maxXZminY)
    lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXYminZ, maxXminYZ)
    lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXZminY, maxXminYZ)

    lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYZ, maxXminYZ)
    lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYmaxZ, maxXZminY)
    lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXmaxYZ, maxXYZ)
    lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXZmaxY, maxXYminZ)
End Sub

' Calculates a tight bounding box around the input body.  An optional
' tolerance argument is available.  This specificies the tolerance in
' centimeters.  If not provided the best existing display mesh is used.
Public Function calculateTightBoundingBox(body As SurfaceBody, Optional Tolerance As Double = 0) As Box
        Dim vertCount As Integer
        Dim facetCount As Integer
        Dim vertCoords() As Double = {}
        Dim normVectors() As Double = {}
        Dim vertInds() As Integer = {}

        ' If the tolerance is zero, use the best display mesh available.
        If Tolerance <= 0 Then
            ' Get the best display mesh available.
            Dim tolCount As Long
            Dim tols() As Double = {}
            Call body.GetExistingFacetTolerances(tolCount, tols)
            Dim bestTol As Double
            bestTol = tols(0)
            For i As Integer = 1 To tolCount - 1
                If tols(i) < bestTol Then
                    bestTol = tols(i)
                End If

            body.GetExistingFacets(bestTol, vertCount, facetCount, vertCoords, normVectors, vertInds)
            ' Calculate a new mesh based on the input tolerance.
            body.CalculateFacets(Tolerance, vertCount, facetCount, vertCoords, normVectors, vertInds)
        End If

        Dim tg As TransientGeometry = body.Application.TransientGeometry

        ' Calculate the range of the mesh.
        Dim smallPnt As Point = tg.CreatePoint(vertCoords(0), vertCoords(1), vertCoords(2))
        Dim largePnt As Point = tg.CreatePoint(vertCoords(0), vertCoords(1), vertCoords(2))
        For i As Integer = 1 To vertCount - 1
            Dim vertX As Double = vertCoords(i * 3)
            Dim vertY As Double = vertCoords(i * 3 + 1)
            Dim vertZ As Double = vertCoords(i * 3 + 2)

            If vertX < smallPnt.X Then
                smallPnt.X = vertX
            End If

            If vertY < smallPnt.Y Then
                smallPnt.Y = vertY
            End If

            If vertZ < smallPnt.Z Then
                smallPnt.Z = vertZ
            End If

            If vertX > largePnt.X Then
                largePnt.X = vertX
            End If

            If vertY > largePnt.Y Then
                largePnt.Y = vertY
            End If

            If vertZ > largePnt.Z Then
                largePnt.Z = vertZ
            End If

        ' Create and return a Box as the result.
        Dim newBox As Box = tg.CreateBox()
        newBox.MinPoint = smallPnt
        newBox.MaxPoint = largePnt
        Return newBox
    Catch ex As Exception
        Return Nothing
    End Try
End Function


Arthur Knoors

Autodesk Affiliations:

Autodesk Software:Inventor Professional 2024 | Vault Professional 2022 | Autocad Mechanical 2022
Programming Skills:Vba | (Add ins Vault / Inventor, Applications) | I-logic
Programming Examples:Drawing List!|Toggle Drawing Sheet!|Workplane Resize!|Drawing View Locker!|Multi Sheet to Mono Sheet!|Drawing Weld Symbols!|Drawing View Label Align!|Open From Balloon!|Model State Lock!
Posts and Ideas:Dimension Component!|Partlist Export!|Derive I-properties!|Vault Prompts Via API!|Vault Handbook/Manual!|Drawing Toggle Sheets!|Vault Defer Update!

! For administrative reasons, please mark a "Solution as solved" when the issue is solved !

Message 6 of 12

Thank you so much

Ngoc Son
Autodesk User
Message 7 of 12
in reply to: ngocson8335

So I saw the code to use 




to create a stock size for a part


SyntaxEditor Code Snippet (ilogic)

		Thickness = Measure.ExtentsLength
		If Measure.ExtentsWidth > Measure.ExtentsLength Then
			Width = Measure.ExtentsWidth
			Thickness = Measure.ExtentsWidth
			Width = Measure.ExtentsLength
		End If
		If Measure.ExtentsHeight > Width Then
			Lenght = Measure.ExtentsHeight
			If Measure.ExtentsHeight > Thickness Then
				Lenght = Width
				Width = Measure.ExtentsHeight
				Lenght = Width
				Width = Thickness
				Thickness = Measure.ExtentsHeight
			End If
		End If

 How can I use it in Visual Studio? I try but can not! Please help me one more!


Thank you!

Ngoc Son
Autodesk User
Message 8 of 12


Public Sub DimensionComponentSimple()
dim ThisApplicationInv As Inventor.Application   
Try Dim oInventorDoc As Inventor.Document 'oInventorDoc = ThisApplicationInv.ActiveDocument oInventorDoc = ThisApplicationInv.ActiveEditDocument If oInventorDoc.DocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Or oInventorDoc.DocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject Then Dim b As ComponentDefinition = Nothing If oInventorDoc.DocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then Dim OinventorDocToBeDim As Inventor.AssemblyDocument OinventorDocToBeDim = oInventorDoc b = OinventorDocToBeDim.ComponentDefinition End If If oInventorDoc.DocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject Then Dim OinventorDocToBeDim As Inventor.PartDocument OinventorDocToBeDim = oInventorDoc b = OinventorDocToBeDim.ComponentDefinition 'b = CType(oInventorDoc, Inventor.PartDocument).ComponentDefinition
End If Dim c As Box c = b.RangeBox Dim dmax As Point dmax = c.MaxPoint Dim dmin As Point dmin = c.MinPoint Dim dX As Decimal Dim dY As Decimal Dim dZ As Decimal Dim strLENGTH As Single Dim strWIDTH As Single Dim strTHICKNESS As Single dX = (dmax.X - dmin.X) * 10 dY = (dmax.Y - dmin.Y) * 10 dZ = (dmax.Z - dmin.Z) * 10 dX = Math.Round(dX, DocPrec) dY = Math.Round(dY, DocPrec) dZ = Math.Round(dZ, DocPrec) Try If dX = dY Then 'MsgBox("x") strLENGTH = dX '& " mm" strWIDTH = dY strTHICKNESS = dZ End If If dX = dZ Then strLENGTH = dX '& " mm" strWIDTH = dZ '& " mm" strTHICKNESS = dY End If If dZ = dY Then 'MsgBox("x") strLENGTH = dZ '& " mm" strWIDTH = dY strTHICKNESS = dX End If If dX > dY And dX > dZ Then 'MsgBox "x" strLENGTH = dX If dY > dZ Then strWIDTH = dY strTHICKNESS = dZ Else strWIDTH = dZ strTHICKNESS = dY End If End If Catch ex As Exception End Try If dY > dZ And dY > dX Then 'MsgBox "y" strLENGTH = dY If dZ > dX Then strWIDTH = dZ strTHICKNESS = dX Else strWIDTH = dX strTHICKNESS = dZ End If End If If dZ > dX And dZ > dY Then 'MsgBox "z" strLENGTH = dZ If dX > dY Then strWIDTH = dX strTHICKNESS = dY Else strWIDTH = dY strTHICKNESS = dX End If End If Dim LENGTH As [Property] Dim WIDTH As [Property] Dim THICKNESS As [Property] Dim StockNumber As [Property] Dim RoutineDimensioned As [Property] Dim DimensionDirty As Boolean = False Try LENGTH = oInventorDoc.PropertySets.Item("User Defined Properties").Add("", "LENGTH") If Not LENGTH.Expression = strLENGTH & " mm" Then '(dmax.X - dmin.X) * 10 & " mm" LENGTH.Expression = strLENGTH & " mm" DimensionDirty = True End If Catch ex As Exception LENGTH = oInventorDoc.PropertySets.Item("User Defined Properties").Item("LENGTH") If Not LENGTH.Expression = strLENGTH & " mm" Then '(dmax.X - dmin.X) * 10 & " mm" LENGTH.Expression = strLENGTH & " mm" DimensionDirty = True End If End Try Try WIDTH = oInventorDoc.PropertySets.Item("User Defined Properties").Add("", "WIDTH") If Not WIDTH.Expression = strWIDTH & " mm" Then '(dmax.Y - dmin.Y) * 10 & " mm" WIDTH.Expression = strWIDTH & " mm" DimensionDirty = True End If Catch ex As Exception WIDTH = oInventorDoc.PropertySets.Item("User Defined Properties").Item("WIDTH") If Not WIDTH.Expression = strWIDTH & " mm" Then '(dmax.Y - dmin.Y) * 10 & " mm" WIDTH.Expression = strWIDTH & " mm" DimensionDirty = True End If End Try Try THICKNESS = oInventorDoc.PropertySets.Item("User Defined Properties").Add("", "THICKNESS") If Not THICKNESS.Expression = strTHICKNESS & " mm" Then '(dmax.z - dmin.z) * 10 & " mm" THICKNESS.Expression = strTHICKNESS & " mm" DimensionDirty = True End If Catch ex As Exception THICKNESS = oInventorDoc.PropertySets.Item("User Defined Properties").Item("THICKNESS") If Not THICKNESS.Expression = strTHICKNESS & " mm" Then '(dmax.z - dmin.z) * 10 & " mm" THICKNESS.Expression = strTHICKNESS & " mm" DimensionDirty = True End If End Try Try StockNumber = oInventorDoc.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties").Item("Stock Number") If Not StockNumber.Expression = "=<Width> x <Thickness>" Then StockNumber.Expression = "=<Width> x <Thickness>" End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Stock Number Error: " & ex.Message) End Try 'Only show message if needed on dirty property If oInventorDoc.Dirty = True Then If DimensionDirty = True Then msgbox = "Dimensions of " & oInventorDoc.DisplayName & " :" & LENGTH.Expression & " x " & WIDTH.Expression & " x " & THICKNESS.Expression End If End If End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Error Dimensioning: " & ex.Message) End Try End Sub



Arthur Knoors

Autodesk Affiliations:

Autodesk Software:Inventor Professional 2024 | Vault Professional 2022 | Autocad Mechanical 2022
Programming Skills:Vba | (Add ins Vault / Inventor, Applications) | I-logic
Programming Examples:Drawing List!|Toggle Drawing Sheet!|Workplane Resize!|Drawing View Locker!|Multi Sheet to Mono Sheet!|Drawing Weld Symbols!|Drawing View Label Align!|Open From Balloon!|Model State Lock!
Posts and Ideas:Dimension Component!|Partlist Export!|Derive I-properties!|Vault Prompts Via API!|Vault Handbook/Manual!|Drawing Toggle Sheets!|Vault Defer Update!

! For administrative reasons, please mark a "Solution as solved" when the issue is solved !

Message 9 of 12

Hi Bradeneurope,

Thank you for your help.

Manymany Thanks!


Ngoc Son
Autodesk User
Message 10 of 12
in reply to: ngocson8335

Hi Bradeneurope,


Please help me. Now I can calculate the stock number for parts in the context Assembly. But I have a problem is I can not finish edit part in assembly by code.


Can you suggest me another way that no need to edit part in the context ass, please?


Here is the code:



Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Inventor

Public Class Form1

Dim invApp As Inventor.Application
Dim partDoc As Inventor.PartDocument
Dim assemblyDoc As Inventor.AssemblyDocument

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

invApp = Marshal.GetActiveObject("Inventor.Application")

assemblyDoc = invApp.ActiveEditDocument
Dim assemblyDef As Inventor.AssemblyComponentDefinition
assemblyDef = assemblyDoc.ComponentDefinition

Dim oComponentOccurrence As Inventor.ComponentOccurrence
For Each oComponentOccurrence In assemblyDef.Occurrences

Dim oBox As Inventor.Box
oBox = oComponentOccurrence.RangeBox

Dim dmax As Point
dmax = oBox.MaxPoint

Dim dmin As Point
dmin = oBox.MinPoint

Dim dX As Decimal
Dim dY As Decimal
Dim dZ As Decimal

Dim strLength As Single
Dim strWidth As Single
Dim strThickness As Single

dX = (dmax.X - dmin.X) * 10
dY = (dmax.Y - dmin.Y) * 10
dZ = (dmax.Z - dmin.Z) * 10

Dim docPrec As Integer

dX = Math.Round(dX, docPrec)
dY = Math.Round(dY, docPrec)
dZ = Math.Round(dZ, docPrec)


If dX = dY Then
strLength = dX
strWidth = dY
strThickness = dZ
End If

If dY = dZ Then
strLength = dX
strWidth = dZ
strThickness = dY

End If

If dX = dZ Then
strLength = dZ
strWidth = dY
strThickness = dX
End If

If dX > dY And dX > dZ Then
strLength = dX
If dY > dZ Then
strWidth = dY
strThickness = dZ
strWidth = dZ
strThickness = dY
End If

End If
Catch ex As Exception

End Try

If dY > dX And dY > dZ Then
strLength = dY
If dX > dZ Then
strWidth = dX
strThickness = dZ
strWidth = dZ
strThickness = dX
End If
End If

If dZ > dX And dZ > dY Then
strLength = dZ
If dX > dY Then
strWidth = dX
strThickness = dY
strWidth = dY
strThickness = dX
End If
End If

MsgBox("Stock Number of " & oComponentOccurrence.Name & "is: " & strLength & " mm x " & strWidth & " mm x " & strThickness & " mm")


Dim length As [Property]
Dim dimensiondirty As Boolean = False

partDoc = invApp.ActiveEditDocument


length = partDoc.PropertySets.Item("User Defined Properties").Add("", "Length")

If Not length.Expression = strLength & " mm" Then

length.Expression = strLength & " mm"
dimensiondirty = True
End If

Catch ex As Exception

length = partDoc.PropertySets.Item("User Defined Properties").Item("Length")

If Not length.Expression = strLength & " mm" Then

length.Expression = strLength & " mm"
dimensiondirty = True
End If

End Try



End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

End Sub

End Class


Thank you so much


Ngoc Son

Inventor's User

Ngoc Son
Autodesk User
Message 11 of 12
in reply to: ngocson8335

Hello. I am new to the subject of Inventor VBA programming, and I also do not understand how to make the "calcualteTightBoundingBox(Body)"  in the following code

(source: :


Public Sub TestTightBoundingBox()
    ' Have a body selected.
    Dim body As SurfaceBody
    Set body = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(kPartBodyFilter, "Select the body.")
    ' Call the function to get the tight bounding box.
    Dim bndBox As Box
    Set bndBox = calculateTightBoundingBox(body)
    ' Draw the bounding box using a 3D sketch.
    Dim partDoc As PartDocument
    Set partDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
    Dim sk As Sketch3D
    Set sk = partDoc.ComponentDefinition.Sketches3D.Add()
    Dim lines As SketchLines3D
    Set lines = sk.SketchLines3D

    Dim tg As TransientGeometry
    Set tg = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry
    Dim minXYZ As Point
    Dim minXYmaxZ As Point
    Dim minXmaxYZ As Point
    Dim minXZmaxY As Point
    Set minXYZ = bndBox.MinPoint
    Set minXYmaxZ = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MinPoint.x, bndBox.MinPoint.y, bndBox.MaxPoint.Z)
    Set minXmaxYZ = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MinPoint.x, bndBox.MaxPoint.y, bndBox.MaxPoint.Z)
    Set minXZmaxY = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MinPoint.x, bndBox.MaxPoint.y, bndBox.MinPoint.Z)
    Dim maxXYZ As Point
    Dim maxXYminZ As Point
    Dim maxXZminY As Point
    Dim maxXminYZ As Point
    Set maxXYZ = bndBox.MaxPoint
    Set maxXYminZ = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MaxPoint.x, bndBox.MaxPoint.y, bndBox.MinPoint.Z)
    Set maxXZminY = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MaxPoint.x, bndBox.MinPoint.y, bndBox.MaxPoint.Z)
    Set maxXminYZ = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MaxPoint.x, bndBox.MinPoint.y, bndBox.MinPoint.Z)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYZ, minXYmaxZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYZ, minXZmaxY)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXZmaxY, minXmaxYZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYmaxZ, minXmaxYZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXYZ, maxXYminZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXYZ, maxXZminY)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXYminZ, maxXminYZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXZminY, maxXminYZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYZ, maxXminYZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYmaxZ, maxXZminY)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXmaxYZ, maxXYZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXZmaxY, maxXYminZ)
End Sub


Message 12 of 12
in reply to: ngocson8335



There are the codetags missing around the function, so it looks a little confusing. The complete VBA Code is

Public Sub TestTightBoundingBox()
    ' Have a body selected.
    Dim body As SurfaceBody
    Set body = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(kPartBodyFilter, "Select the body.")
    ' Call the function to get the tight bounding box.
    Dim bndBox As Box
    Set bndBox = calculateTightBoundingBox(body)
    ' Draw the bounding box using a 3D sketch.
    Dim partDoc As PartDocument
    Set partDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
    Dim sk As Sketch3D
    Set sk = partDoc.ComponentDefinition.Sketches3D.Add()
    Dim lines As SketchLines3D
    Set lines = sk.SketchLines3D

    Dim tg As TransientGeometry
    Set tg = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry
    Dim minXYZ As Point
    Dim minXYmaxZ As Point
    Dim minXmaxYZ As Point
    Dim minXZmaxY As Point
    Set minXYZ = bndBox.MinPoint
    Set minXYmaxZ = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MinPoint.x, bndBox.MinPoint.y, bndBox.MaxPoint.Z)
    Set minXmaxYZ = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MinPoint.x, bndBox.MaxPoint.y, bndBox.MaxPoint.Z)
    Set minXZmaxY = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MinPoint.x, bndBox.MaxPoint.y, bndBox.MinPoint.Z)
    Dim maxXYZ As Point
    Dim maxXYminZ As Point
    Dim maxXZminY As Point
    Dim maxXminYZ As Point
    Set maxXYZ = bndBox.MaxPoint
    Set maxXYminZ = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MaxPoint.x, bndBox.MaxPoint.y, bndBox.MinPoint.Z)
    Set maxXZminY = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MaxPoint.x, bndBox.MinPoint.y, bndBox.MaxPoint.Z)
    Set maxXminYZ = tg.CreatePoint(bndBox.MaxPoint.x, bndBox.MinPoint.y, bndBox.MinPoint.Z)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYZ, minXYmaxZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYZ, minXZmaxY)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXZmaxY, minXmaxYZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYmaxZ, minXmaxYZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXYZ, maxXYminZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXYZ, maxXZminY)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXYminZ, maxXminYZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(maxXZminY, maxXminYZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYZ, maxXminYZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXYmaxZ, maxXZminY)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXmaxYZ, maxXYZ)
    Call lines.AddByTwoPoints(minXZmaxY, maxXYminZ)
End Sub

' Calculates a tight bounding box around the input body.  An optional
' tolerance argument is available.  This specificies the tolerance in
' centimeters.  If not provided the best existing display mesh is used.
Public Function calculateTightBoundingBox(body As SurfaceBody, Optional Tolerance As Double = 0) As Box
    On Error GoTo ErrorFound
    Dim vertCount As Long
    Dim facetCount As Long
    Dim vertCoords() As Double
    Dim normVectors() As Double
    Dim vertInds() As Long
    ' If the tolerance is zero, use the best display mesh available.
    If Tolerance <= 0 Then
        ' Get the best display mesh available.
        Dim tolCount As Long
        Dim tols() As Double
        Call body.GetExistingFacetTolerances(tolCount, tols)
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim bestTol As Double
        bestTol = tols(0)
        For i = 1 To tolCount - 1
            If tols(i) < bestTol Then
                bestTol = tols(i)
            End If
        Call body.GetExistingFacets(bestTol, vertCount, facetCount, vertCoords, normVectors, vertInds)
        ' Calculate a new mesh based on the input tolerance.
        Call body.CalculateFacets(Tolerance, vertCount, facetCount, vertCoords, normVectors, vertInds)
    End If

    Dim tg As TransientGeometry
    Set tg = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry
    ' Calculate the range of the mesh.
    Dim smallPnt As Point
    Dim largePnt As Point
    Set smallPnt = tg.CreatePoint(vertCoords(0), vertCoords(1), vertCoords(2))
    Set largePnt = tg.CreatePoint(vertCoords(0), vertCoords(1), vertCoords(2))
    For i = 1 To vertCount - 1
        Dim vertX As Double
        Dim vertY As Double
        Dim vertZ As Double
        vertX = vertCoords(i * 3)
        vertY = vertCoords(i * 3 + 1)
        vertZ = vertCoords(i * 3 + 2)
        If vertX < smallPnt.x Then
            smallPnt.x = vertX
        End If
        If vertY < smallPnt.y Then
            smallPnt.y = vertY
        End If
        If vertZ < smallPnt.Z Then
            smallPnt.Z = vertZ
        End If
        If vertX > largePnt.x Then
            largePnt.x = vertX
        End If
        If vertY > largePnt.y Then
            largePnt.y = vertY
        End If
        If vertZ > largePnt.Z Then
            largePnt.Z = vertZ
        End If
    ' Create and return a Box as the result.
    Set calculateTightBoundingBox = tg.CreateBox()
    calculateTightBoundingBox.MinPoint = smallPnt
    calculateTightBoundingBox.MaxPoint = largePnt
    Exit Function
    Set calculateTightBoundingBox = Nothing
    Exit Function
End Function



R. Krieg
RKW Solutions GmbH

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