I work for Unilogic, a IT-service company in Holland.
One of our customers asked us to install AutoCAD 2018LT via the Administrative Image and our own Software Packaging System (Unilogic Packaging System).
I ran into exact the same issues as Dean Saadallah, and i think i have found the underlying reasons (and the weird solutions).
After reading this forum post and doing some Google search i didn't find any real answers, so i started to analyse the problem myself.
Via the SCCM commandline file the administrative setup generates i had the oppurtunity to reproduce the install the administrative setup does, only now from the commandline while disabling the 'silent' en 'quiet' feautures, so i could see the output.
The administrative setup does about 15+ installs in the background.
I ran into 3 underlying reasons the administrative setup has, without any apropiate error handling (it seems just to stop at a moment):
1. One of the installers actually gives the feedback that the explorer.exe should be closed. Now you should expect that closing the Windows Explorer windows will do the job (just like some Adobe installers require), but that didnt work. After looking into the PID the setup said it wanted to be closed, i found it was the explorer.exe as System (thus the System Shell). I just killed exactly that PID (the las explorer.exe that was running) and the same setup came up with the next error, see item 2.
2. The same installer spawned a error, that the proces (PID) of the Windows Task Manager should not be running while executing the setup. Again, i followed up the error and suggested solution and killed exactly that PID (Taskmanager).
3. After item 1 and 2 all install commands finished succesfully, but at the last item (the streamed update) i again ran into an error.
The last item (the AutoCAD update streamed within the administrative install) has a wrong path in it. It expects the update starts from the path it was downloaded (c:\temp in our case) while building the administrative image. When we deploy the administrative image, we copy it to our own directory structure, resulting in a other working direct (c:\unilogic\installers\007731). Normally all paths should be relative, so if the working directory is ok, everything should be fine. In the case of the streamed update in the administrative image, the path is nog relative but absolute, so when you deploy the administrative image on another system where it was build an you use another working directory it failes.
Solutions we applied, so we can deploy AutoCAD 2018LT whitout 'hanging'
1. Kill all explorer.exe processes before installing the administrative image, after the install is finished, spawn the explorer.exe againg (so the user has its System shell - The Windows start button, Tray icons, etc back)
2. Check for a taskmgr.exe process, if it exists, kill all taskmgr.exe processes before installing the administrative image.
3. Copy the update (AutoCAD_LT_2018.0.1_Update_32bit.exe in our case) to the directory the administrative expects its in (the absolute path).