It was suggested I put this into the idea board. Here are the original contents of the question: " I'm trying to set up a report that finds items that are missing parts in their BOM, where all of the part #s are searched for a keyword. The problem is, the outputs of that filter suggest that selecting "Contains" will search through each part on the BOM until it finds that keyword in a part number, while "Does Not Contain" searches through each part until it finds a number that doesn't contain the keyword. The end result, is that there is no way to filter out anything that has any part without the keyword; as an example, if there are 2 parts on the BOM of an item, one is labelled 113 and the other 245, it appears that searching "Does Not Contain: 113" will still bring up that item because 245 is on that BOM. Is there any trick to this? I'd also like to search attachments for keywords in the same way, but I have the feeling it would respond identically " Basically, the problem is that sorting by "Does Not Contain" isn't an inverse of the "Contains" filter, so boolean operations are limited. For example, when searching BOM by part numbers, where "Contains" searches each part number for a match, where the default is false, and it returns a true when it finds a part number. For the rest of the part number search, no matter what, the true remains. "Does Not Contain" searches a part number for a match, where the default is true, and it returns a false when it finds that part number. But instead of locking in that false, if another part number that doesn't match is found, it flips the false back to a true. This behavior doesn't make any sense, and doesn't assist with filtering at all. The idea is to adjust the behavior of "does not contain" so that it actually helps when doing a search through a field with multiple parameters.
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