Autodesk Community - why we are here

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As an Autodesk Community Author, Autodesk Expert Elite, and Autodesk Professional, I strive to embody the best of what Autodesk Community is all about.  As you and I go about our days living, working, and striving for a better existence, the two elemental drives that propel us forward are to gain wisdom and help others by being kind.


As some of you may know me, others not...I do my best to work on these elements every day.  Giving back to the community in various ways, learning and growing through connections and conversations, and imparting wisdom and knowledge where I can help me to be a better person.


Tomorrow marks, to me, one of the most important aspects of my life.  Tomorrow (Saturday, March 25, 2023) is the day I will be testing for my 4th degree (Sa Dan) black belt for Choi Kwang Do International Martial Arts.  It is a test that has taken 13+ years to reach.  I intend to represent all that is CKD, all that is myself, and all that is Autodesk Community in this 4-hour test.  To me, this test represents the best of what it means to be a valuable CKD student and Autodesk Community member.


Growth through perseverance, patience, humility, integrity, gentleness, self-control, and unwavering spirit is all that encompasses what it means to be a CKD student and an Autodesk Community member.


Thank you for all of your support through all these years of CKD and Autodesk life.  Wish me luck as I represent the best of me, CKD, and Autodesk.


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