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Allow Markups within Issues

Allow Markups within Issues

That would be great to be able to add markups when creating an issue


I just want to add that we also want to do this for RFIs

Community Manager
Status changed to: Future Consideration

We currently create the Markups on the same plans (published 2D views) as the Issues themselves. So when you click on the Issue, it will show the plans including the Markups.

This does not work with 3D views, which means it does not work with any of the Issues created in Navisworks (coming from BIM 360 Issue plugin).

Without the ability to add Markups to the Issues, my guess is BCF will remain the preferred workflow instead of the BIM 360 Issues.

Not applicable

I also agree that there should be a way to choose from a list of selections in the markup number that we are interested in together with the attached image, when creating a new issue.

It should be improved.




Hi BIM360 dev team.


Can you please provide an update to your customer's highest request? 

You have the features. "Issues" and "Mark-ups" They are simply missing each others features. For either to be useful for project team comms, they need to be merged. 

As a bare minimum, can you please allow Issue titles and Mark-up titles to be editable. So we can at least do the manual work around of creating a separate Issue and Mark-up but have the ability to reference them together by renaming their titles. Eg... Issue = #0001 Mark-up = #0001

The ability to rename an Issue to be the same as a Mark-up or vice versa.

The ability to list and report the mark-ups (as per issues) is also required if the merge is not happening this millennium. 




This would be a good improvement,

our current flow for documents redmarks is within Design Review DWF files.


Redmarks are linked to DWG or Revit files

Able to track changes (Done, for review, questions)

these changes are automatically color coded.

Who did changes and when is automatically tracked.


We should have this functionality within BIM collaborate pro. Without it, for us is a huge step backwards in our review/redmarks processes.


any chance this basic function of a usable mark-up work flow can be implemented
Seriously, does anyone at autodesk actually test the product in a working environment ... ohhh i forgot why pay Beta testers when the customer can do it for you!



Just to echo all the above. I was just reading many other posts about this same feature request going back as far as 2017, with some posts by Autodesk in 2018 saying this or similar functionality is on the roadmap. Yet here we are in 2021. 





And to top it off, Autodesk acknowledge the problem, and have a 'support' article Here stating it isn't currently supported and referring people to the forum. I cannot believe that this hasn't been prioritised and sorted a long time ago. Please can we get an update on this?


This feature has been long overdue.


Hi BIM360 Team 


The Status of this has been marked as "For Future Consideration" for over a year now. 

It is also your highest ranked idea from your paying customers. 


Can you please provide your customers with some input of where you are at with this?


I would like to suggest that you get in touch with the Autodesk Fusion 360 dev team to get their insights of how they gather their customers fix requests and feedback, have complete transparency of their fix request voting system and provide regular feedback BACK to the customers AND manage to release updates of their extremely complex and technical software every single month.


The update request we are asking for here is not reinventing the wheel. It is simply combining two features that you already have. Or simply adding the super basic sketch function in "Markups" to be inside "Issues" (I must say, for a CAD software company the markup sketch features are so limited it's embarrassing. Even the features that are there are not well thought out, such as changing the pen thickness for the highlighter changes the thickness of everything, including the arrows and text boxes!? Give your own software a go and try to justify why separating the thickness settings wouldn't speed up the markup process and make them more consistent and nicer to look at) The value of this fix will be so huge for not only your customers, but for the BIM360 /ACC platform and Autodesk as well. Because while these two features are separated, BIM360 is currently not usable as a solid integrated model review platform, so your customers are looking at, and even paying for, other solutions such as BIMTrack and Revizto.


I feel strongly that you are causing damage to your platform and your brand by not listening and addressing your customers calls. 

Yes it's true, your uptake rates onto the platform have skyrocketed over the last 1.5 years, but please don't forget this is due to the global pandemic and huge numbers of your customers around the world were suddenly forced to adopt cloud based platforms.

Putting a good graft in to listen to your customers and investing back into your platform, is the only way you will prevent this new customer base from finding better software solutions elsewhere.   


I look forward to getting a response soon. 








+1 well said 👍

Is anyone at Autodesk home?
It appears that when we ask autodesk or our reseller to show us how they think this system works, the answer is ... when we get it set up and working they want us to show it to them and teach them how their own software can work, then they sell this method that we created back to us as if they are providing us with a service.
Like support ... LOL what a joke ... the only answers the support team have provided me over the years are the answer i provided on the forum first ... bumbeling  twits, giving the answer I provided back to me as if your helping


Thanks @ROakley_Trility 


You make an interesting point. Maybe we could set up a meeting with Autodesk to demonstrate a Federated model review process of a large project, so they can understand why the Markups feature needs a register to document tasks to team members. And that the Issues feature needs a visual representation, aka a Markup of each task. 

It is so fundamental that the written form of any task has a visual representation, it would be the reason why CAD and drawing was invented in the first place. 

The mind boggles why a CAD software corporation can't see nor care about these fundamentals. 



we like to do all design review comments/markups as issue pins on the federated nwd models but for drafting review and mark-up, what ive started doing is dropping an issue pin on the drawing and adding it as a reference doc to the issue that way we can track the mark ups, when the reviewer makes the mark up he assigns it to the designer/drafter who then actions and when marked as answered reasigns it back to the reviewer who then checks and clears the markups and closes the issue.  Otherwise the markups just seem to get lost in the noise that BIM360 creates, kind of ignoring the notifications and subscriptions and just using the issue register to manage the markups
Im not sure who comes up with the workflows, the guys at pdo team seem to know more about the program than autodesk do.


Agree with all the points already mentioned 

This is rather embarrassing when trying to convince your team to stop marking up Pdf's  


Don't hold your breath people. I created this idea.... 

' The world's best BIM360 Idea '

about this idea not getting a response from Autodesk. 

It is now quickly gaining votes, which says it all.


I understand why Autodesk designed it this way. They wanted markups to be more an informal internal design review tool, and issues to be a formal external issue management tool. But this was the wrong approach from the start, and unfortunately, ACC suffers the same workflow problems.


The reality is that the markup and issue features are complimentary. Separately, they are weak and can't tell the whole story. But together, they are strong and tell a compelling story via drawing and words. For the same reason we document a sheet with lines and text. And why Bluebeam continues to reign supreme for reviews.


This is why this top-voted feature must be implemented.


I just had the misfortune of an introduction to Autodesk Construction Cloud... and I am lost for words.... 


Autodesk have now removed all ability to mark up 3d models in ACC!!!


Not only are they incapable of listening to their customer's top voted request, they've now made it so this "back yard operation" of a workaround is not even possible...

Because you can't even create the markup in the first place.... 


The only way to markup a 3d model is in the Coordination tab of Navisworks. But as you all already know, the markup features in the review tab of Navisworks are absolute garbage, because Autodesk haven't, or more likely haven't been able to, update Navisworks since they bought it.

Case in point, try creating a red line cloud in Navisworks 2022... you still need to click for every bubble in the cloud like you are working in Autocad 12 on DOS in 1998. It's an absolute joke. 

Not to mention if you zoom in or out before saving the Issue which removes all the markups you just made. 


It is crystal clear that an AEC design team workflow has not been considered here, which once again highlights Autodesk Corporation's priority of finance features and marketing of their software over the engineers, architects, PM's and designers that actually use it.

Autodesk, do yourself a favour and listen to the people that actually use your software, instead of just the bean counters that buy it, because when the users jump ship for better solutions, your platform will be as useful as a Beta Max video cassette player.          


NOTE: I would've put this in the ACC Ideas page, but there isn't one. 


It's such a strange approach to software development as a business, it's like developing a word processor, releasing it to market and not even creating a handful of document types beforehand just to kick the tyres. There's a total disconnect between features that are really obviously needed and what is provided. It's astonishing to be honest. These are "the basics", we're not asking for much.

This is the process currently, it's torture:


1. Carry out a mark up

2. Take a screenshot of it

3. Save the screenshot to local machine

4. Trim screenshot (to remove content from other monitor etc)

5. In new issue drag the screenshot in (after checking it's the correct one of many).

6. Manage local screenshots etc


It's pushing us to not use mark up tool at all, but in the issues themselves we're having to type "hide x and y to see the issue etc" as the models are evolving and new items can conceal prior visibility etc. It's quite clumsy overall.

From the thread here Markups linked to Issues - Autodesk Community


We just started using ACC, and it blows my mind that this isn't a feature.

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