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BIM 360 Docs Markups linked/added to an issue

BIM 360 Docs Markups linked/added to an issue

Being able to link or add a markup to an issue.

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or able to show mark up on issue please.


Yes would like to see these linked so that they can be assigned and answered as one. For example, if I mark up a door to be resized, I want that to be linked to an issue so It can be assigned to someone. When that person says the item is answered, that would then change the color of the markup as well as issue dot, and when it's been closed it should hide the markup or gray it out. Currently if an issue relates to a markup (which is almost always the case) then answering and closing the issue has no affect on the markup. In addition, I would also like to be able to highlight objects in a markup (since they can already be highlighted by hovering, it would be nice to have them highlight as part of an issue so that when an updated version of the document is added, when comparing it will know to look if the highlighted item has been changed and pop up the option to approve and close.

Community Visitor

It is a must have !

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Definitely  a must have!

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Yes, would be very helpful indeed!

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I agree with all the comments here, it is mandatory to be able to link markup with issues.

Also there are 2 other points :

- Document log should be able to get status and other icon properties available in it.

- Export document with markup should be possible for several document not only one by one.

Not applicable
Those sugestions would be very usefull.
Not applicable

The ability to put comments on the graphics that accompany an issue is a must have tool.  I can't believe that we have made it this long without this feature.  Any other way that I have found, is a work around and open to many other flaws in workflows.


Autodesk, your attention to this is GREATLY appreciated by your users.

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Agreed.  Just now utilizing BIM360 issues and frankly I'm surprised that these are not somehow already connected.   This is a must have.   

Not applicable

I've used a lot of different building management platforms for Issues & RFIs and most have this ability. For such a great platform and that the tools are already there it doesn't make any sense that they cant be linked. This would be a massive benefit to be able to create an issue and then link a markup to it. At the moment I'm creating an issue and a separate markup then screenshotting the markup and adding it to the issue as an attachment but the problem with this is that that attachment can not be edited later without deleting to attachment and going through the process again.


This a must and facilitate everything.


A must have feature. Issues need markups to show what the issue is, and what needs to happen. 


I agree with all that this is essential for a good system to work.


It's pretty evident that the Issues need visual prompts - aka Mark-ups feature.

And that the Mark-ups need listing and metadata fields to manage them - AKA Issues feature. 

It's a no brainer to merge the two. 


An alternative would be a "Mark-ups" Tab next to the "Issues" Tab that lists all the markups, allows metadata entry and filtering etc, and can also be viewed on the dashboard. 


A bare minimum would be the ability to give each mark-up a unique title or number so that any issue that is created can reference the same markup title or number. Or vice versa.



Hi All on this thread.


Can you please vote on this other thread that has the highest vote count on the BIM360 Ideas board.

It is the exact same request and combining your votes (if not done so already) will be a huge help.



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