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Split Views on Sheets and Move Vertically and Horizontally

Split Views on Sheets and Move Vertically and Horizontally

I love that Revit allows you to split views on sheets so that you can show a break in them if they are too big. But sometimes they are still way too big to go side by side on a sheet. It would be nice if you could split a view, like an elevation or section, and move one below the other instead of only next to it. 

1 Comment

@Anonymous, for me this is a regular occurrence.

Currently, the only way to achieve the desired outcome is to crop the original view and create a duplicate view for the second view that won't fit on the sheet.


Currently, we can only split views in either a horizontal or vertical direction

Split Vertical Crop.jpg


The proposed idea by @Anonymous allows the split view to be moved horizontally or vertically on the sheet in the same way that schedules can be split.

Split Crop.jpg


Example of a split schedule where the split view can be offset in both the horizontal and vertical planes

Split Schedules.jpg

This would be a great time-saving idea if it was implemented.

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