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Revit is very slow

Revit is very slow

Hi. As a student using Revit its really frustrating to not be able to do one thing without my computer having a seizure. The program wont allow me to even rotate my view without it completing stopping and reloading the entire structure. I would rate this 0/10. Please fix this because we have to complete projects in a certain time and it restricts us from doing that. Also please make it possible for more than one person to work on a file at once. In team projects only one person can work on the structure, which limits the progress of the project significantly. -Cassidy Waldo

Not applicable



I'm afraid these are not problems that most people experience. Revit performs quite well even for complex projects and it certainly allows large teams to collaborate on the same model at the same time.


I suggest a couple of things:


  • Ensure that your computers meet the minimum hardware requirements  and have been set up correctly to run Revit
  • Learn about collaboration in Revit through enabling worksharing. You can read more about working on a team project here.


Status changed to: Archived

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