While fabrication pipe in Revit allows for a variety of elevation tags there are issues when it comes to sloped pipe.
Currently when using any of the elevation parameters they tag only one end of the pipe. For level runs this is not an issue, but it is not possible to get the top and bottom elevations of a sloped run. This was possible in Autocad with fab parts. The only available fields in Revit are:
- Bottom
- Bottom Elevation
- Bottom Elevation with Insulation
- Centerline Elevation
- Pipe Invert Elevation
- Spot Bottom Elevation
- Spot Bottom Elevation with Insulation
- Spot Top Elevation
- Spot Top Elevation with Insulation
- Top
- Top Elevation
- Top Elevation with Insulation
All of these values go off of one end of the pipe, not the other. Ideally we would like to see both the IE / BOP of both ends in a single tag.