Dimensional parameters (i.e. length, area, volume, force, etc) cannot have an empty value - their default is 0. In some cases this is ok, but in other cases getting a value of 0" is incorrect if perhaps the parameter does not apply to a particular case.
Example: We have this issue very often where we have 5 dimensional parameters for specifying the depth of a post-tensioned tendon from the top of a beam. The schedule has columns for all 5 parameters. In some cases, all 5 are used, while in other cases we may only need 3 or 4 of the 5 parameters. In these instances, the remaining unused parameters read 0" - which is not correct, the tendon should not be 0" from the top of the beam. That parameter should really read "-", as in "does not apply" or "ignore me".
What we need is some way to specify a null value to parameters that have units so that they can read either the default null (displayed as either a blank or as a dash "-"), or as a value with units.
Alternatively - if we could mix strings and dimensions in a schedule and do some dimension to string casting in calculated values, we could test: if(value == 0", "-",value). Currently this is impossible because "-" is a string and value is a dimensional parameter.