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Native hyperlinking in text.

Native hyperlinking in text.

Most text editors allow you to insert hyperlinks into your text but have the text display something else.

Even Autocad has this function.

Would be very useful to be able to make notes with hyperlinks in them in Revit without having to make custom annotations with url parameters just to get usable hyperlinks. 

Would also be great if the links stayed active after printing to .pdf.


Community Visitor

This is a good idea


I have put forward this idea before, it makes so much sense but it never got enough traction to get off the ground.


Yes. Revit needs to produce smarter documentation. There is so much information in the Revit file that is lost once its exported to PDF. The only "smart" information that is saved is adding hyperlinks to sections, elevations and callouts. But even this only jumps to the page those drawings are on rather than to the drawings themselves. Its almost worse that just enough effort was put into these only to go halfway there.


There is no reason EVERYTHING can't be made smart when exporting to PDF. Allow popups to be added to door tags. Allow text to show when a keyed note is hovered over. Jump to a frame detail drawing on a door schedule when its clicked on.


Better yet, Autodesk needs to just develop their own PDF viewers/editor that is fully compatible with all of their products rather than relying on shoddy 3rd party developers. They have the money to do it.


And finally, it really drives me nuts seeing "this idea is similar to this other idea". We KNOW. But The forums organization of ideas makes things disappear. Odds are no one even sees this comment because there is no "view recent activity" option when organizing ideas. And then this idea will be archived because it "had insufficient interest". Yea, because no one saw it after the first day it was posted!

I know right. So annoying, like I've got time to troll the entire forum before I post something to check for similarities.

The Idea Board needs a "Report Duplicate" function whereby User's can request multiple ideas for the same item to be merged. If an issue is important to me and i search for and find several separate idea's logged it is painful to try go through linked ideas etc.

Similar concept to a moderator receiving a forum post flagged for innapropriate behaviour - it gets reviewed and if relevant they merge the two ideas and nominate one as archived with final link to the active idea.

Sometimes 3 or 4 active idea threads can be open for the same concern. Painful


@BrookePeterson I believe that Kimberly Fuhrman already does this as the forum moderator, if I understand you correctly?


@Mark_Engwirda - So you are suggesting we mention Kimberly in posts like this to draw her attention? Because this is an example of multiple ideas being open actively for the same or VERY similar request, as evidenced by the linked ideas


@BrookePeterson That is correct.

@kimberly.fuhrman Should the above ideas be merged?


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