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View References in text

View References in text

It is quite common to have general notes or even a text object with a leader that says something like "FOR WIDGET TYPE A, SEE DTL 1, SHT A-101".  But to do this I currently have to either place my text and leave whitespace where I'll come back later and place a separate view reference OR type in the view reference by hand which will require that I manually update it if the view and/or change gets renumbered.


Please allow me to insert a view reference into my text objects.


I'm envisioning something similar to FIELDS in AutoCAD.


The ability to place a view reference's inline in a text object (natevly).


Posted within Tag/Text Improvements idea as well.



Edited by


I would add to add


- ability to add view references as a parameter (for instance: door head/frame details, millwork typical details, ...)

- ability to reference schedules [could work as long as the scheduled is placed only once in the project]




Pieter you sparked the thought of references within schedules. Door schedule-->referencing a specific door detail, etc.


I really would like to be able to use View References and Section cuts (that "Reference Other View") to refer to details on sheets in other models. We usually have one model with all (or most) of the typicals, then copy those sheets into the other models in the project (as needed), and/or create dummy drafting views on dummy sheets. The problem comes if you rearrange or renumber anything on the typical sheets (which requires changing multiple models to update all the dummy views).


An alternate solution (for my particular problem) would be to set a "Linked view" on Drafting Views (similar to how you can with plan views, etc.), but that would still require setting up (& maintaining) separate sheets (but would allow for those projects that have multiple sheets with the same details, such as when each building is going in for permit separately).

Not applicable
This is a much needed addition. I am amazed that this idea is not higher in the list of "Gathering Support" items.

Add ability to create an inline view reference in a text box

Not applicable

Factory/Autodesk are you looking at this one?  This is kinda huge.  Imagine code, not unlike XML or HTML that allows for this kind of functionality.  You could do it something like an HREF tag in HTML


<a viewref="View Name"><ViewNumber>/<Sheet></a viewref>


 How cool would that be? AND if you were really smart that would become a dynamic link like a view ref.  


Code is cool, but not accessible to the masses. - Right Click  - add dynamic view reference/modify dynamic view reference.  Everyone could be taught to do that.

Not applicable

Addition: I would also appreciate an error message if I delete a view that is referenced elsewhere in the project.


@Anonymous That should be a separate idea - and/or along with the ability to see a list of ALL views that reference a view (not just the first).


Shameless plug, this post more-than-one-sheet-reference-per-view-title is similar in nature, If you voted you'll probably like it too.



Please, please, please!

Community Manager
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for your submission and votes on this idea!  We are evaluating where this request falls into our roadmap and will provide an update when we have made a decision.


The Factory


Woohoo , Status change! fingers crossed for you @doni49


Is there a way to give a really big thumbs up - a stronger vote, a passionate pleas....


I will also like to reference to schedules on sheet.


I would assume the normal View reference family could be used for this but it has an offset built into it which would make it hard to use.


@Scott_D_ Yes, View References are currently the only (live) way to do this (without resorting to "dumb" Text) - see the OP, but it's more than just the issue of the offset which results in the View Reference being cropped out of the view, see:


The main reason why View References cannot be used is because you can't add a custom parameters to handle the text before and after the view reference. Even if you could, they're not as flexible as Text - you can't change the width (for line wrapping) on a per-instance basis. Nor can you add a leader directly to them (and if you could, there are also all the issues associated with leaders on annotation components). There are several idea posts related to the many issues I've just mentioned. After all, View References were originally designed to be used ONLY with Matchlines (and we've only "recently" gotten the ability to use them WITHOUT Matchlines).


This idea is to go the other way - instead of trying to add all the Text features to View References, add a sort of "embedded Label" ability to Text elements. 🙂

What I'm looking for is something similar to SSM Fields that Acad uses.

SSM (Sheet Set Manager) provides a way to link sheet name and number to each sheet in the set. When placing a piece of text (with or without a leader) there is an icon on the ribbon that simply says "field".

That allows me to place a field that references an SSM Property.

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