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Make the lines able to be tagged

Make the lines able to be tagged

Hi all, in drafting often we use lines to symbolise things like waterproofing, it would be efficient if we were able to tag these lines, so the tag will read a parameter saying eg. WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE.


Line based detail item is what you want. You can use category tags or keynotes on them.


Hi Lachlan,


i'm not taking about detail items or any family based element, i'm talking about Autodesk adding a parameter to the normal lines, and make them able to be tagged somehow, i'm not a programmer, not sure if this is feasible, but it would be nice if we could do that.


They're telling you how to do it. Lines are lines. If you want something to actually be a THING, whether its a membrane or a chair, you need to make a family. This would be an incredibly easy family to make, so if you aren't sure how to make families yet, this would be perfect practice for you.


@nicholas.tsagkosTNEJX, I know what you're talking about, and that functionality already exists in Revit in the form on Line-based Detail Items. You can keep going the way you are with detail lines & text, and hope that the developers make a change to a part of the program that has worked effectively for the industry for 20 years. Or, you can make a minor change to your process and achieve the outcome you want today.


Autodesk really needs to do this, it it much simpler and faster to create a line type than a line based family. I cant see any reason why Autodesk wouldn't be able to do this.


Lines are just detail elements, they hold no BIM value. Why do you want to tag them?


As said in the OP lines are often used to symbolize various membranes in details such as VCL, breather membranes, DPM, etc which I can then annotate to show for example the name and NBS code across all details without using "dumb text". It's no different from being able to tag detail components. It's easier to manage/create unique line types than it is to create line based detail items for all line types


Yep, and that is why I suggested the use of Line-based Detail Items. I use them for wraps & membranes, they can be tagged & keynoted. It takes 2 minutes to make a line based family and it does what you want. Why not use it?

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