Using the space bar is used a lot with modeling piping. In the plumbing world that includes domestic cold, hot, and recirculated hot, sanitary, vent, and fire protection pipe. The pipe types for each are different. Domestic using copper or CPVC. Sanitary used DWV cast iron or PVC. Fire protection used black steel. As I design and lay out these different system, I often forget to switch the "pipe type" in the properties drop down. If I want to lay in a pipe, say on a 1" domestic water line, I chose the pipe command, click a spot on an already modeled domestic pipe to connect to and hit 'space bar' which will grab the properties of "Pipe Size", "Elevation", and "System Type". What it does not do is grab the "Pipe Type" property. Very annoying. So if connect to a copper domestic water line and I forget to switch from Sanitary PVC pipe to my copper domestic, pressing the space bar does not grab or change to that pipe type property. BUT IT SHOULD!! Often time I notice it right away after modeling, because the fittings are looking different between DWV and pressure pipe. So it's a matter of undoing and having to model in a pipe TWICE to get it right or selecting on the pipe and manual changing the properties to the correct pipe type, but also having to select each fitting separately to change to the correct fitting. Sometimes it is not noticed until much later and realizing the wrong pipe types are in some whole sections of the building. It just adds time to the job and wish Revit gurus would address this fix. Pressing the space bar should inherit, the pipe size, pipe elevation, system type AND PIPE TYPE.