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Fill Down on Panel Schedules

Fill Down on Panel Schedules

Even though panel schedules are numbers across, we still typically fill down. So we typically circuit 1, 3, 5, 7...

Revit, though, fills in 1, 2, 3, 4... as we create circuits. So we create all our circuits and then we have to move them all around.

Please provide an option in Electrical Settings to allow us to choose whether Revit fills down or fills across (regardless of whether the panel itself is circuits across or circuits down.)

Status changed to: Gathering Support

Hi @scbunker, perhaps I am misunderstanding the request, but I think what you are asking for is the Circuit Sequence Group By Phase or Odd then Even options.




Wow, @Martin__Schmid. I've used Revit for years and I've never seen that. That's exactly what I was talking about. I'd 'Accept Solution', but I can't since it's an Idea, so you can just delete the thread if you like. Thanks for your help!


I'll mark this as Implemented.. I won't delete, as someone else may stumble across this in the future and fit it helpful.


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