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Expose element creation and modification timestamp and username

Expose element creation and modification timestamp and username

It would be extremely useful if we could get at the creation and modification timestamps for each element and in a workshared environment also the username of the person who performed these actions. Of course this information may not be available internally, but if it is then it would be really easy to expose it and very useful to see it.




Yes, PLEASE make this accessible (it's a database after all, it should be in there somewhere), especially as something that can be accessed through the API and Dynamo.


There's a similar request here:

should that one be combined with this one?


This is a great idea!

This would greatly help to sort problems in models. Current information about the creator and last modifier is already a good start, but adding a dates to this would make reviewing models much more efficient.


I feel it would help common Revit users in Workshared enviroments to understand what is the status of a specific model element. A recent modification date might tell a user it's been checked recently and a date further back is a good indicator that it's more recently reviewed.


I think it would be nice to see this information together in properties next to Workset.


And imagine the possibilities of making view filters and schedules based on this information. Would help internal communication and review greatly.



Totally great Idea. Needs to happen

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