we need to transfer some information related to Materials (such as themal trasmittance value, Keynote, additional revit parameter to Material added as Company customization, material Class, ) into IFC 4 or IFC2x3 schema.
We know that material is supported by IFC schema, but we realized that Revit do not support the export of those properties.
We understood that using PART it is possible to visualize the single part of material (when included in a layered family such wall/floor or similar) we can have information about thier standard quantities and names, but we do not have the opportunity to export also other properties of those objects that we will need for BoQ extimation of simble transferring of Tecnical information among project stakeholders using different softwares.
More and more clients are asking also to include those information in the IFC schema that they want to reiceve. Please consider to develop this functionality.