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Demo/New Construction

Demo/New Construction

Please see the examples below.


In fixing the “Demo doesn’t break the system” new feature, it appears another issue was created. The demolished content is still recognized when placing New Content and is causing unwanted issues. Does Autodesk have any suggestions or recommendations as to how to deal with this moving FWD? I have looked online and cant find anything outsides the "New Feature" that the systems are not broken when demo’g MEP Systems.


In the example below I have existing duct and pipe that is getting re-routed. The final result adds Tee’s to the new content and breaks the demo’d content. This is not acceptable, the Demo has been removed it should not still be being recognized when placing New Construction.


Existing Duct and Pipe. View set to Existing / Show All



DEMO Duct and Pipe. View set to New Construction / Previous + Demo



New Construction Duct and Pipe with new content. View set to New Construction / Previous + New.

New Content.jpg Demo after new Content.jpg


Attached is a short video (5min) example of what is happening and things i have tried and the other issues they cause.


Hi @hmunsell - have you tried the Preview Release to see if this issue is resolved as you would expect?


@Martin__Schmid I downloaded the beta patch yesterday and it works much better. I did still have an issue connecting "New" duct to the "Existing to remain" duct though. 


The fact that this is an issue that was in a released version of Revit suggests that Autodesk isn't testing their software properly before release.

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