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Allow schedules to display multi-line input properly

Allow schedules to display multi-line input properly

When inputting information into a Revit schedule, if you want to input multiple lines (not wrapped text) into the cell you can press Shift - Return.


When the schedule is placed on a sheet, its displayed correctly and multiple lines can be seen.


But when editting the schedule in a schedule view Revit will only display the first line, there is no ability to expand the row.


Schedule example.JPG


This makes it difficult and confusing to work with the informaiton - its easy to miss and delete.


The schedule view should be able to cater for multi-line input just like it does when placed on a sheet.




Not applicable

This is so obtuse that it seems like a bug.  The text wraps multi-line when placed on a sheet, but it just overflows into nothingness in the schedule view itself.  Why???


Autodesk needs to fix this ASAP.

Not applicable

It's not just multiline text, it's also normal text fields... Schedule views should really be WYSIWYG so we don't have this problem.

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I know I can do this when the schedule 'view is on a sheet' but that's not want I want!


I want to be able to see all of my text in a field in the schedule editor, right now I have to expand the row to see an entire paragraph on one line, I just want to have my text wrap int eh editor like it does on a sheet.


The other behaviour would be to see the text with paragraphs in the schedule editor showing where my content text is on a separate paragraph within a field.


Please let me know if anyone else has a solution to this or is everyone equally frustrated?!

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Cells in the schedule views should wrap or at a minimum to have the option to wrap.  Truncating text should definitely not be the default.  

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We need the ability to show text wrapping within schedules so we can more easily edit them without disturbing the schedules on the sheets.

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...OR let us edit the table in paper space where it can already be viewed correctly. I'd prefer that the schedule view matched the sheet view, but at this point I'll take whichever is easier to implement/gets it addressed sooner.


This has discourages some of my users from using Revit schedules and provides them argument to continue using Excel for schedules like light fixture schedules that typically have multi-line cells.


Sheesh, yes.  I am stunned this is not possible. 

Not applicable

I agree, its ridiculous.

My work around is to format the text in notepad, & then cut & paste it into the schedule test editor.. 

Not applicable

I agree, I'm trying to get the interior designers at our firm comfortable with using the native schedule system and this is a huge roadblock in getting them on-board.

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This worked for me: 

Create a new Field 

Change the PARAMETER TYPE to "Multi Line Text" 


@Anonymous  : this idea is about showing the multi line text inside the schedule view (right now you only see the first line and you have to click the ... button to see more).  This is clearly described in the description of the idea. @Kevin.Bell  even included pictures of the problem.



I agree, this is so frustrating!  The row just needs to stretch down so all the text is visible in schedule view.  It can't be that hard - it does that when it's on a sheet!  I'm an interior designer and this is the one roadblock we have in doing all of our furniture specifications within Revit.  This one little thing is causing us to have to export to Excel, which is not efficient.

Not applicable

@cmcgovernLESW4  It's an annoying workaround, but we've been formatting our multiline text in Notepad and then pasting into the schedules to make it work.


@Anonymous Yea, I do this... its hard work though and easy to make mistakes...


Please, let us edit the table in paper space where it can already be viewed correctly. Finding the cell you want to adjust on a huge schedule, then entering edit mode and being taken to a new screen where one has to find the correct cell all over again wastes too much time, as well as being frustrating.


Please add this "feature" before you do anything else.


If You are typing in a text cell and the data contained within is longer than the cells width it hides the portion of text in the cell. The idea is to temporarily expand the cell in such a manner so that the full volume of data can be viewed and edited as required. This would be for Text & multiline text cells.


Current view

Wall 1.PNG


Proposed View

Wall 3.png

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External reference: Schedule - Seeing Everything You Type 

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