Been using Revit since Version 5.1, around 2003 I think from memory, yourself ?
Thats a lot of subscription $$$ from my own pocket, yourself ?
Been a beta tester for many years as well, yourself ?
Sorry not 10 project it's 12, my mistake.I work for myself in the domestic housing market,
12 projects started in a month, not uncommon,what your not busy ?
After a failed upgrade experience with Windows 10 and Revit, and after Several Support cases with ADSK who's response was
"Windows 10 is NOT a supported operating system for ANY ADSK products" (users take note ) so can't help with Revit / W10 issues,
I deceided to clean install back to Windows 7 and wipe at least 4 previous versions of Revit and everything else from my machine.
So with a clean machine I deceided not to install 2016 and go straight to 2017 and save polluting my clean install,
yes it was a gamble BUT it was my choice.
Is it wrong of me to request some support with this issue ?
What if you had just bought my first seat and got Revit 2017 and after paying the
"000's of $$$ (out of your OWN pocket) that it costs at startup and find that I had received a faulty product ?
More than aware of text and upgrade warnings, all these projects were satrted in 2017, this is not an upgrade issue.