Here's one that I've had requests for several times.
You have an assembly view on a drawing and place a parts list for that view. Now, you want to place several base views of individual parts for detailing. Along with each part view, you want the corresponding item number from the parts list.
I know you can edit the view label to include model properties, such as the part name, material, etc, but there's no way to link the item number from the parts list to that part. It would be nice to link that part to the corresponding item number in the parts list and if the parts list is renumbered, the item numbers associated with each part view would update accordingly.
I've tried placing a balloon and selecting the individual part, but it will only use "1" as the item number, since it is just a component and not an assembly. Perhaps, when adding a balloon to a part like this, you could select the parts list that you want to reference. Many times, you may have several sheets of details and still want the item numbers to reference the parts list on sheet 1, where the main assembly view and parts list is located.