Currently, search results in the CAD plugin (normal or advanced) cannot be sorted. The WebApp has this functionality, so aligning the CAD plugin would be helpful for users and continuity. The ability to sort search results like in the WebApp will allow users to find items more efficiently and quickly.
Searching for a purchased part when you don't know if the specific variant exists already in PLM. For example, if I need a linear rail assembly, I do a search to quickly see what lengths currently exist in PLM using the mfr part number string without the rail length. Then, if the length options I'm looking for appear in the search results, I know I don't have to retrieve the CAD from the manufacturer. Search fields would be Mfr part description and Mfr Part Number. Sometimes, when concepting you don't know exactly the sizes of purchased parts you need; being able to see what options are quickly available in PLM for download is a significant time saver.