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I would encourage the use of categories to organise your model. Maybe beyond that use filters with element data. The main principle of BIM is that the elements know what they are and organisation can be based on queries rather than hierarchy like any other database.
Worksets are meant to assist with allowing multiple users to work on the same model. User worksets are largely legacy since borrowing was introduced. However, they can still be a powerful tool when used appropriately and help to break a large model up for performance.
It looks to me that this suggestion is born of a misappropriation of worksets and I recommend starting here Revit OpEd - How Many Worksets Do I Need? to review best practice.
If you do need many workset and you are tired of switching between them all so often, consider this little tool that switches between preset worksets automatically (by category, family or type):
It would be very useful to have new functionality in the Worksets dialog which allows teams to group worksets. That way you would be able to load/unload worksets in bulk very quickly if each group had its own checkbox.
It would be helpful to have a function of being able to move Worksets into a folder structure within the Worksets dialogue box, so for example, if you had multiple buildings in a single Revit model and weren't going to be breaking them out and linking them back in, you could prefix Worksets with building acronyms, and then move them into appropriate folders and control visibility further, and set them not to show on model open for improved processing and functionality.